E’ online AIS Channel

AIS Channel (Advances In Surgery Channel) è una innovativa piattaforma per condividere i progressi della chirurgia che ha avuto positivi riscontri da parte di tutta la comunità chirurgica. E’ stata ideata da Antonio M. Lacy e dal suo team che opera presso l’Hospital Clinic di Barcellona, centro riconosciuto per le innovazioni nel campo della chirurgia laparoscopica.


AIS Channel (Advances In Surgery Channel) is a new approach to the communication of advances in cutting edge surgical expertise, imparted by prominent surgeons. The AIS project was conceived by Antonio M. Lacy and his team at the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, a world-renowned center for its pioneering innovations in laparoscopic surgery. AIS was created to share the latest improvements in surgical technique with working professionals in the scientific community as well as train those of tomorrow. In addition AIS makes use of all technologies available (website with HD videos, live conference streaming…) to afford the user every conceivable way of researching new techniques beneficial to patients and healthcare professionals from anywhere, at any time and on any internet-enabled device. All of the knowledge shared at the conference will be accessible for free through AIS Channel(www.aischannel.com).

Check out this video on WHAT IS AIS.

Some examples on LIVE SURGERIES:

Transanal TME
This video shows a transanal approach for the treatment of rectal cancer. The complete procedure can be seen here with its main steps commented by Professor Heald, Dr. Rattner, Dr. Sylla and Dr. Wexner

IFSO14 Live surgery session: Sleeve gastrectomy for T2DM
Esophageal Leiomyoma is a rare tumor with inespecific clinical manifestation. Its management may represent a challenge for a surgeon that must choose the best treatment for the patient, this video contains a case report of a male patient that was treated by minimally invasive thoracoscopy.

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Centri U.C.P.
Malattie e procedure coloproctologiche

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Lettere al presidente

Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.


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