Colorectal Disease Special Issue: Colorectal Polyps: Recent Advances from Genetics to Management: 2nd Genoa Meeting 14 April 2014

We are pleased to present this supplement which contains the proceedings of the Second Genoa Conference on Colorectal Polyps which took place in April 2014, the first of which was held in 2004 in the same beautiful city of Genoa. It reflects the current knowledge acquired during the subsequent ten years of the classification, genetic status and management of this common clinicopathological condition. It contains sections on epidemiology, genetics, histopathological classification, advances in imaging, prevention and treatment all of which have changed tremendously since 2004. The programme includes 24 presentations divided into five sessions. The faculty consists of recognised experts in the field. Each presentation is followed by debate and discussion under the guidance of chairpersons supported by a strong contribution from the floor. The supplement contains ten chapters which for reasons of space include the 24 contributions assembled in logical sequence. The meeting has been recorded and is available as a video at


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Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.

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