International Fellowship – New York Medical College

E’ disponibile presso il Westchester Medical Center, Direttore Prof. Roberto Bergamaschi, una fellowship internazionale che consentirà di approfondire i principi della ricerca clinica e sviluppare le conoscenze attraverso il coinvolgimento diretto in studi clinici. La borsa di studio non è finanziata, ma è fornito l’aloggio. Di seguito alcune informazioni ulteriori che potranno essere approfondite al seguente link o contattando

Elizabeth H. Tilley, Ph.D. Administrator, Department of Surgery Westchester Medical Center Member of the Westchester Medical Center Health Network Taylor Pavilion, D361 | 100 Woods Road | Valhalla, NY 10595 | (O) 914.493.6279 email

The International Research Fellowship creates a mutually beneficial relationship between academic surgeons at Westchester Medical Center and aspiring researchers from abroad. Our training will provide you with an understanding of the principles of clinical research and enable you to critically evaluate studies. This collaboration between institutions will also involve instruction on how to carry out clinical studies, from conception of research questions through design, conduct, analysis, presentation, write-up and publication.

At our state-of-the art quaternary care facility, home to a level I trauma center, fellows will learn from professionals devoted to clinical excellence and researchers striving for the highest levels of scientific rigor. Accepted applicants will be exposed to new experiences from perspectives of our cultural environment and the health care delivery system. Westchester Medical Center shares faculty and a campus with New York Medical College. Our affiliated institutions both regard clinical research as among our highest priorities.

You will be expected to make valuable contributions to our research efforts. You will also grow tremendously as a scientist, gaining insights from mentors and learning to interact effectively with diverse team members. The Department of Surgery encourages presenting at several large meetings each year, including the AAST, EAST, ASA, ASC, WTA, SCCM, and the ACS. Completing the one to two year program will produce tangible benefits; in addition to presentations, you will have opportunities to co-author publications and observe academic surgeons as they progress through exciting career paths.

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Malattie e procedure coloproctologiche

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