Progetto Icarus

La SICCR condivide il progetto ICARUS, riguardante la standardizzazione nel riportare le complicanze intra-operatorie nei lavori scientifici.

Tale progetto è registrato su (NCT049943920) ed è condotto dal Dr. Giovanni Cacciamani (University of Southern California).

Sarà possibile partecipare e rispondere alla survey fino al 12 Novembre 2021.

Di seguito i dettagli

The lack of intraoperative adverse event (iAE) assessment and reporting has been a significant gap in our literature for many years. As such, our team has been working to propose a list of standardized criteria to improve the Intraoperative Complication Assessment and Reporting with Universal Standards (ICARUS).

The goal of the ICARUS project – recently listed in the EQUATOR Network as “Guidelines under Development” and in (NCT049943920)- is to provide guidance for reporting intraoperative complications in research papers about surgical procedures in general. We hope these resources will improve our understanding of the nature and frequency of iAEs and increase our ability to counsel patients regarding surgical procedures.

In order to perform a Cross-Specialty Global Validation Assessment, we invite you to please complete the survey on intraoperative adverse event (iAE) reporting.

Questionnaire link:

It should take approximately 10 minutes, and it is intended for surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses with any level of experience in the operative setting.
Upon completing all questions, optional identification details will be collected, and you will be automatically listed in acknowledgments of all the publications.
Formal consent for survey participation will be assumed upon final submission.

Grazie in anticipo per la collaborazione

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Cerca medico
Centri U.C.P.
Malattie e procedure coloproctologiche

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Lettere al presidente

Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.

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