New SICCR Directive Council and Secretary Marina Fiorino


Dear Collegues,

We are honoured to announce that the Italian Society of colorectal surgery has elected the new Board for the years 2005-2007. Subsequently, the Board has elected us as President and elect President for the same years.
We would like to thank all our Members and Associates for their preference and assure our complete devotion to the task we are faced to.
The Italian Society of ColoRectal Surgery is newborn since it was founded only two years ago.
Nevertheless, the quality and hard work of the executive Board and Presidents, and all the members who decided to join the new Institution have gained in such a short time the respect of the international community. This, we dare say, has been clearly demonstrated at the recent 1st National Congress in Bologna which was a joint meeting with the ECCP and EACP. The meeting has been very successful in terms of attendance, quality of presentation and scientific contributions; colleagues from Europe and overseas have congratulated Italian colorectal surgeons for the level of our speciality.
We will pursue the goal of implementing training and cultural advancement of coloproctology in Italy and we will try and strengthen the relationship with the newborn European Society of Coloproctoloy in which we plan to have a significant role.
We invite all European colleagues who wish to do so to visit our English website to participate in the social life of the SICCR.

Looking forward to seeing you all in future meetings,
Sincerely yours,

President SICCR
Giovanni Romano

President elect
Donato F. Altomare


Dear Colleagues,

During our first national congress, held at Bologna, My mandate as president of SICCR ended.
Throughout these almost two years of my charge, our society flourished progressively thanks to its operational and scientific initiatives.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you sincerely for your collaboration, which has been made evident in the willingness to work together in a common project and the commitment in everyday activities, I am confident that this will continue in the future.
I would also like to wish all the best to Giovanni Romano in his new charge of president of SICCR, to Donato Altomare elected president and to all the Directive Council.
I confide that you will bring forth the initiatives undertaken in order to consolidate SICCR as a worthy society made up of highly motivated people in our country and abroad.
Best wishes to all.

Gian Gaetano Delaini


PRESIDENT: Giovanni Romano
VICE-PRESIDENT: Filippo La Torre
TREASURER: Antonio Amato
AUDITORS: Ivreo Morganti e Massimiliano Mungo;
Deputy: Donato Maria Scardigno.

Donato F. Altomare, Filippo Pucciani, Francesco Selvaggi, Gilberto Poggioli, Giuseppe Casula, Mario Trompetto, Paola De Nardi e Salvatore Pucciarelli.


At the International SICCR - EACP - ECCP Congress held at Bologna from the 15th-17th September, the following information was gathered:

- The participants were about 915;
- The companies involved were 32;
- For the SICCR the posters presented at the congress were 99;
- For the SICCR the complete number of attendances among speakers, discussants and chairmen was 120.


As announced in the previous newsletter, the two European societies EACP and ECCP have broken up to found the new European Society of Colon-proctology (The First Meeting ESCP will be to Lisbon, Portugal 13 - 16 September2006).
The SICCR which has done its best to facilitate the merging of the two societies, is happy to have attained its objective and compliments the new President A. Dziki and the new Board, confident that mutual esteem and collaboration will continue to mature.

From the left H. Ortiz member ESCP, Delaini resigning president of SICCR, Dziki president of ESCP, Cola president of the congress and also resigning president of ECCP.

Report from 'Repubblica' 16/09/2005

Medici a Congresso sui tumori al colon.

Massimi esperti internazionali riuniti al Palazzo dei Congressi, da ieri fino a sabato in occasione del Congresso Internazionale della Società Italiana ed Europea di coloproctologia presieduta dal Prof. Bruno Cola, Direttore dell'Unità di Chirurgia generale del Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi. L'incontro riguarda le nuove strategie terapeutiche e chirurgiche per il trattamento delle affezioni gastrointestinali, con particolare riguardo al tumore del colon-retto che colpisce nella nostra regione 2000 persone ogni anno. La spesa sanitaria complessiva per le malattie gastrointestinali ammonta a circa 5 milioni di euro all'anno.

Report from 'Unità' 16/09/2005

Tumore al Colon: si potrà evitare la chirurgia.

Per il tumore al colon, la terapia si sostituirà alla chirurgia. Lo sostengono gli esperti che partecipano al Congressso della società europea di colonproctologia in corso fino a domani a Bologna. Gli studi clinici effettuati su 1500 pazienti in Europa, Stati Uniti e Australia, confermano l'efficacia della combinazione chemioterapia-radioterapia prima di intervenire chirurgicamente. In questi casi, si è infatti vista una regressione della massa di oltre il 50%, mentre nel 30% dei pazienti il tumore è addirittura scomparso. Anche in Italia (dove ogni anno si registrano 40 mila nuovi casi di cancro al colon e 18 mila decessi) è in corso da due anni uno studio su 650 pazienti. I risultati si avranno nei prossimi due anni - spiega Bruno Cola, presidente del Congresso e direttore dell'unità operativa di Chirurgia generale al Policlinico S.Orsola - ma le cifre sono incoraggianti, e la speranza è di ripetere ciò che 30 anni fa è accaduto con il tumore dell'ano.
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