13 – 16 September 2006, Lisbona


13: Perugia, Congresso Congiunto AIUG-ESFU - Tavola Rotonda: Le patologie del segmento posteriore.
14 – 16: Catania, Corso Teorico-Pratico di Educazione e Riabilitazione Perineale.
22 – 23: Bari, International Consensus Conference on Faecal Incontinence.
27: Rom, CXXX Congresso Nazionale SIUD - Workshops precongressuali: Disfunzioni del Perineo Posteriore (in collaborazione con la SICCR).
28 – 29: Rovigo, Storie di Retto, Ano e Bisturi.


2nd level University Master in Colo-rectal Surgery.
Academic Year 2006-2007

Deadline for applications: October 31st 2006


In the section dedicated to the publications by our members you will find the review for the novel “White lake: The last climb ” by Dr. Mario Trompetto, by Prof. Aldo Infantino..


The search for data on the Rectal Cancer Survey has ended.
The data is being elaborated now and the results will be available to those who adhered and subsequently published.
We thank all those who took part in the initiative and who will make a bigger development in therapeutic approach to rectal cancer possible.


12 – 16: Perugia, Congresso Congiunto AIUG – ESFU.
13 – 16: Lisbona (Portogallo), First Annual Meeting ESCP.
13 – 16: Berlin (Germany), 10th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery incorporating the 14th EAES Congress.
15: Vasto (CH), Corso itinerante di Training 'Hands On' in Endoscopia Operativa per medici e personale infermieristico.
15 – 18: Bologna, 18° Congresso Europeo di Ultrasonologia e XVIII Congresso Nazionale SIUMB.
16: Bologna, EUROSON SIUMB 2006 - 18° Congresso Europeo di Ultrasonologia e XVIII Congresso Nazionale SIUMB Simposio Satellite BK Medicale: Imaging ecografico nei disordini del pavimento pelvico.
16: Ancona, Corso itinerante di Training 'Hands On' in Endoscopia Operativa per medici e personale infermieristico.
22: Padova, Workshop Qualità di Vita (QoL) e Cancro del Retto.
25: Ferrara, Corso itinerante di Training 'Hands On' in Endoscopia Operativa per medici e personale infermieristico.
27 – 30: Rom, XXX Congresso Nazionale SIUD.


15 October 2006: Bordeaux (France), 14th International Laparoscopic Surgery Symposium S.F.C.E. 2006 Meeting Cancer & Laparoscopy - Updates & Classics.
30 November 2006: Roma, SICCR: National Congress of Spring 2007.


Prof. Ahmed Shafik

Some Provocative Concepts On Constipation.

For information apply to the secretary of the SICCR presidency:

Dr. Marina Fiorino
cell. 338.2813863;
e-mail: -
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