The Editorial Staff wishes you all
serene festivities
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
2nd Educational Course in Colonproctology
Even for 2008 the SICCR has entrusted the 2nd edition organisation of an educational course in Colonproctology to the Colorectal Eporediensis Centre.
The course is addressed to surgeons who wish to study in depth the principal themes of the special fields of colon proctology. It is a full immersion course in various subjects introduced by the major italian experts in colorectal surgery and by Professor R.J. Nicholls, who has now worked for the centre, these subjects will be dealt with in open and constuctive discussion.
At the end all members will be granted a certificate of participation by SICCR.
24rd â 26th: Roma, MIRA: 3rd International
* 01st: Roma, 2° Convegno Regionale SICCR
* 01st â 02nd: Roma, 6th Biennal Meeting of the
13th â 15th: Baiona (Spagna), XVI Course of
Coloproctology: Open
Tme Masterclass.
18th â 20th: Treviso, Pre-meetIng Course
Ultrasonographic Imaging of
Pelvic Floor disorders XI° Course.
* 21rd â 22nd: Treviso, International Congress Update on
Imaging and
Management of Pelvic Floor Disorders.
For information apply to the secretary of the SICCR presidency:
Marina Fiorino
cell. 338.2813863;
E-mail: presidenza@siccr.org