Post university course in methodology of scientific research in surgery
Rome, 12th - 14th November 2007

The course will grant 19 ECM credits to participants who pass the test.

Letter of the President

Enclosed is the letter of the President Gian Andrea Binda to the members.

Directive Council

The new Directive Council that was elected shortly before, during an Assembly headed by the senior Counsellor Professor Giuseppe Casula, has elected by secret ballot the following members for the year:
President: Gian Andrea Binda
Vice President: Antonino Pulvirenti D’Urso
President: Filippo la Torre
Vice President: Claudio Fucini

Click here to display the SICCR Directive Council.


The link to the website of the Unit of General Suirgery directed by Prof Bruno Cola has been published in the section: Link-Medicine and Surgery.


Thurs. 8th - Sat 10th : Paris (France), XV International Symposium on Laparoscopy in Surgery.
Mon. 12th - Wed. 14th: Rome, Post University Course in Methodology of Scientific Research in Surgery.
Mon 12th - Tues 13th: Novara, Formation Course: Ulcerative colitis.
Frid. 16th: San Daniele del Friuli (UD), Proctological Surgery: What Signs , What Complications?
Frid 16th: Milan, Hyperactive Bladder and Dysfunction of the Low Urinary Tract in the Elderly.
Mon 19th - Thurs 22nd: Catania, Formation Course in Proctology.
Thurs. 22nd - Sat. 24th: Genoa, National 2007 AIUG Congress: From Multidisciplinarity to Interdisciplinarity: a need, an objective, an illusion?
Wed. 28th - Sat 1st Dic: St.Gallen (Switzerland), Colorectal Congress: Rectal Cancer.


2nd level University Master in Colo-rectal Surgery.
Academic Year 2007-2008

Deadline for applications: December 15th 2007

Qualified Doctors Academic Year 2006-2007

Giuseppe Caldarelli and Audel Pedroza Ballestreros have qualified as Doctors in Colorectal Surgery (II Level Master Degree) on 31st October 2007.
Congratulations on behalf of the editorial staff .

For information apply to the secretary of the SICCR presidency:

Dr. Marina Fiorino
cell. 338.2813863
e-mail: -
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