Surgical training committee, courses and congresses and of quality control of the SICCR
Please find enclosed the letter of Dr. Paola De Nardi who is responsable for the
surgical training committee, courses and congresses and of quality control of the
Stoma rehabilitation courses
The SICCR Directive Council has approved a training plan regarding the promotion of the quality of Stoma care
It is addressed not only to national health hospital operators but also to schools of post graduate studies in
general surgery and schools for the training of Nurses.
The section of Stoma rehabilitation coordinated by Dr Antonio DâElia organizes them.
29 March: San Vito al Tagliamento (PN), Corso Teorico â
Pratico su suture e medicazioni per Medici e Infermieri.
For information apply to the secretary of the SICCR presidency:
Marina Fiorino
cell. 338.2813863;