In the section dedicated to patients under the title cancer of the colon the article “Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection” by Dott. Alberto Arezzo has been published.

New ECM National Commission

The birth of the new ECM National Commission is official.
The first meeting, which took place in Cernobbio on March 17th with the new ECM Commission and the market dealers, developed along an articulate event schedule which entailed a wider analysis of the functioning of the organs, the procedures and the instruments of the renewed ECM system.
Some of the topics to be dealt with in future events dedicated to ECM will be: credit cerfification, the crediting of formative and business schemes, the regulation of didactic activities and of resource acquisition methods.

Eurasian Colorectal Technologies Association

We are pleased to announce the involvement of some of our members in the birth of the Eurasian Colorectal Technologies Association of which the first congress will take place in Shanghai on 1st–2nd November 2008. With the wish of the development of a close cooperation between ECTA and SICCR.


30 April 2008: Rovigo
Quarte Giornate Rodigine di Coloproctologia - Chirurgia Retto-Anale: Opinioni a Confronto!

18 May 2008: Nantes
ESCP 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting


Corso Teorico – Pratico su suture e medicazioni per Medici e Infermieri
San Vito al Tagliamento, Pordenone
29th March 2008

27th March 2008, Kaunas (Lithuania):11TH MEETING ON COLORECTAL SURGERY - Rectal Cancer Surgery: Tme Impact On Results
08th – 11th April 2008, Moscow (Russia):International Congress IPFDS: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
09th – 11th April 2008, Moscow (Russia):6th International Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Society Congress
* 14th – 16th April 2008, Saint Vincent (Valle d’Aosta): 10th International Meeting of Coloproctology
* 18th – 19th April 2008, Bolzano: Annual congress of the “Rosa Gallo” Foundation: The integrated handling of chronic intestinal inflammatory illnesses and of familiar polyposis

* SICCR Organized/Supported Events

II° Educational Colorectal Meeting: Post-operative Complications
Roma, 15th - 16th September 2008

For information apply to the secretary of the SICCR presidency:

Dr. Marina Fiorino
cell. 338.2813863
e-mail: -
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