II° Educational Colorectal Meeting: Post-operative Complications
Rome, 15th - 16th September 2008


II Educational Colorectal Meeting: Podium Presentations
Podium Presentations and accepted posters have been defined for the Second Meeting Educational Colorectal Postoperative complications that you will find among Events.
There are still places available for activated Courses.i


The Ordinary Assembly of SICCR Members
The ordinary assembly of SICCR members will meet in Rome on the 15th September 2008 in occasion of the II° Educational Colorectal Meeting.


Recensione a cura di Stefano Mancini
Surgical autonomic denervation results in altered colonic motility: an explanation for low anterior resection syndrome?...


08th - 10th September 2008, Catania: Corso Post-Universitario di Metodologia della Ricerca in Chirurgia
14th – 17th September 2008, San Diego, California: ISUCRS XXII Biennal Congress
15th September 2008, Rome: II Educational Colorectal Meeting: Workshop sulle Suture
16th September 2008, Rome: II Educational Colorectal Meeting: Workshop sulle Complicanze Stomali per Infermieri
16th September 2008, Rome: II Educational Colorectal Meeting: Workshop sulle Medicazioni
20th September 2008, Civitanova Marche: Convegno Interregionale Marche-Umbria SICCR
23th – 25th September 2008, Orbassano (To): 7° Corso di rieducazione non strumentale del perineo
24th – 27th Septembere 2008, Nantes: ESCP 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting


31th October 2008: Shanghai
1ST Biennial Congress ECTA - New advances in surgery, endoscopy and imaging of the large bowel and the pelvic floor in Europe and Asia

20th December 2008: Capri, Naples
ESPGHAN - Colonic Diseases: problems and progress


Dr Nick Read

Constipation: When the Bowel Holds
on to What Happens

The SICCR Steering Committee and the SICCR editorial staff offer to Dr. Marina Fiorino the deepest condolences for the recent loss of her father.

Comments & Suggestions
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