II° Educational Colorectal Meeting: Post-operative Complications
Rome, 15th - 16th September 2008


On Monday 15th September The third educational colorectal meeting: post-operative complications, will be held in Rome in the Frentani Congress centre, on the same day two other very important workshops reserved to doctors, will take place: “workshop on stoma complications” and “workshop on suture”.
As in the last congress the SICCR science centre in collaboration with Q-net srl, will offer to its participants, an Internet point which will allow them to surf internet, in addition technical assistance will be offered to participants who may require it.


14th – 17th September 2008, San Diego, California: ISUCRS XXII Biennal Congress
15th September 2008, Rome: II Educational Colorectal Meeting: Workshop sulle Suture
15th September 2008, Rome: II Educational Colorectal Meeting: Workshop sulle Complicanze Stomali per Medici
16th September 2008, Rome: II Educational Colorectal Meeting: Workshop sulle Complicanze Stomali per Infermieri
20th September 2008, Civitanova Marche: Convegno Interregionale Marche-Umbria SICCR
23th - 25th September 2008, Orbassano (TO): 7° Corso di rieducazione non strumentale del perineo
24th – 27th September 2008, Nantes: ESCP 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting


Prof. Filippo La Torre

Bulking Agents and Faecal Incontinence

For information apply to the secretary of the SICCR presidency:

Marina Fiorino
cell. 338.2813863;
E-mail: presidenza@siccr.org marinafiorino@libero.it
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