XII° COURSE: Ultrasonographic Imaging of Pelvic Floor
Treviso, 26th - 28th November 2008


2° Educational Meeting SICCR
The SICCR second Educational meeting took place in Rome on the 15th and 16th of September. The objective of this event, required and organized by the Directive Council, in turns with the society’s Biennial congress, was the development of topics of great interest to all its members in order to improve and increase recognition of the society and also to offer its younger members the opportunity to compare their viewpoints with opinion leaders within an international congress...


The SICCR portal: formation and information at present looking into the future
Pondering history, helps shed light on events that take place so quickly that we don’t even notice them. Since the foundation of the Italian federation of Colon proctology, which later became the Society of Colon proctology and then even later, SIUCP, amongst the many projects I have worked on, is the expansion of communication through web. One site after another! It is a relatively inexpensive instrument with enormous potential, which links members who are responsible for the management of the association with various sectors of SICCR. The results...

Letter of the President
Letter of the Past President


24th - 26th November 2008, Torino: Workshop: Chirurgia digestiva ad alta complessità
26th - 27th November 2008, Rome: SCongresso ANEMGI onlus 'STIPSI e...'
* 26th - 28th November 2008, Treviso: XII° COURSE: Ultrasonographic Imaging of Pelvic Floor

* SICCR Organized/Supported Events


Elections of the Italian Society of Surgery
On our behalf and on behalf of the Directive Council and all members of the SICCR, we would like to congratulate and wish a good job to: Gianliugi Melotti, (elected president), to the councillors Fulvio Calise, Antonio Cennamo, Giacomo Stefano Gidaro, Giovanni Battista Grassi, Francesco Minni, Carlo sartori, Stefano tinozzi and Andrea valeri.
The Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery sincerely hopes to continue and reinforce its natural bond with the Italian Society of Surgery, with which it has members in common, with a view to the development of its specialization and committed specialists.
Filippo La Torre
Past President
Gian Andrea Binda

The deadline for the filling out of the questionnaire on perineal fistulas, which was sent to all members by the SICCR section of IBD and polyposis, expires on 30th November.
Please send the compiled questionnaire to marinafiorino@libero.it.

For information apply to the secretary of the SICCR presidency:

Dr. Marina Fiorino
cell. 338.2813863
e-mail: presidenza@siccr.org - marinafiorino@libero.it

Comments & Suggestions
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