Fondazione Rosa Gallo
Hot topics in IBD and Colon-Rectal Cancer
Polyps and polyposis

Verona 10th - 11th December 2008


Theoretical-practical course on sutures and medication, S. Vito al Tagliamento 7th-8th Nov. 2008
Learning the physio-pathological foundations of the healing of a wound and the techniques of sutures: The SICCR towards the young generation.
The second edition of the theoretical-practical course on sutures and medication for doctors and nurses organized by the science centre of SICCR took place in S. Vito al Tagliamento the past 7th and 8th November. One of the many objectives of the course was to bridge some gaps in the knowledge of some students who attended or still attend the school of specialization.....


Post-graduate course in methodology of research in Surgery, Rome 10th - 12th November
After the successful outcome of the first edition, a second course in methodology of research in surgery, sponsored by the SICCR and the SICCR science centre, in the field of its own educational activities, took place in Rome from the 10th - 12th November. Organized to be more practical than theoretical, its primary aim was to enable participants to read and understand, from a critical point of view, publications, and to set up scientific research, to draw up a paper, to know how to present a study in speaking and to present posters of works at scientific congresses...


Ethics in bio-medical publishing: plagiarism and self-plagiarism
In such a competitive bio-medical world, publishing ''anxiety'' has infected medical researchers world-wide, leading to the increase of two negative practices: plagiarism and self-plagiarism. The word ''plagiarism'' identifies, in copyright law, total or partial copying of someone else’s intellectual property. The word ''plagiarism'' matches the French and German word ''plagiat'', and derives from the Latin word ''plagium''....

Luigi Basso


03th - 06th December 2008, St. Gallen (Switzerland): Colorectal Congress 2007 - Colon Cancer and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD)
* 10th - 11th December 2008, Verona: Fondazione Rosa Gallo: Hot topics in IBD and Colon-Rectal Cancer - Polyps and polyposis
11th - 13th December 2008, Perugia: EURECA-CC2: 2nd Consensus Conference

* 15th - 17th December 2008, Vercelli:
Iter Formativo in Coloproctologia
Corso Avanzato e Update in Coloproctologia

* SICCR Organized/Supported Events


3rd Educational Course in Colonproctology
Even for 2009 the SICCR has entrusted the 3rd edition organisation of an educational course in Colonproctology to the Colorectal Eporediensis Centre.
The course is addressed to surgeons who wish to study in depth the principal themes of the special fields of colon proctology. It is a full immersion course in various subjects introduced by the major italian experts in colorectal surgery and by Professor R.J. Nicholls, who has now worked for the centre, these subjects will be dealt with in open and constuctive discussion.
At the end all members will be granted a certificate of participation by SICCR.

We would like to remind you to settle your annual Siccr subscription for 2008: the fee is 75 euros for doctors under 35 years of age 100 euros for doctors over 35 years of age.
Please give description of payment.
- C/C 2409
- IBAN IT46 P06160 6066 7500 0000 2409 C00
- Banca CR Firenze Divisione CR Mirandola, Filiale di Finale Emilia

For information apply to the secretary of the SICCR presidency:

Dr. Marina Fiorino
cell. 338.2813863
e-mail: -

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