Letter of the President
Dear fellow members and colleagues
Only a few weeks after being appointed president of SICCR and with the Christmas festivities approaching, I would like to take the opportunity to write this message to you, in which in addition to the customary Christmas greetings I would like to give some brief details of the association’s current position and furthermore to inform you of our plans of development for the future.
Regarding our association....


SICCR’s almanac for the year 2008
It is with great pride that we recall the activities that SICCR has carried out in 2008 and we would like to take the opportunity to thank all people who have collaborated with SICCR and have worked in favour of its advancement.
In expressing our acknowledgements, we hope we have remembered everyone and we apologize in advance for any omissions.
We have accomplished a great deal but there is still a lot to accomplish, and we hope to be able to realize all our projects in the near future.
Many pilot-projects of 2007 have been realized in order to become regular appointments...


* 23th Jenuary 2009, Genova: 1° Workshop della Sezione Imaging SICCR: Stadiazione e restadiazione dei tumori del retto extraperitoneale
* 28th Jenuary 2009, Roma: Imaging Integrato delle malattie infiammatorie intestinali (IBD)
* 30th Jenuary 2009, San Vito al Tagliamento (PN): Tumori Neuroendocrini Gastrointestinali

* SICCR Organized/Supported Events

3rd Educational Course in Colonproctology

Vercelli, March - December 2009
Clinica S. Rita


28th Febbrary 2009: Roma
4th International Congress on Endometriosis

15th June 2009: Catania
SICCR: 3° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Chirurgia Colo-Rettale

31th August 2009:Guangzhou/Canton, China
ECTA - 1st Biennal Meeting: New technologies in colorectal surgery

IN AFRICA By Claudio Fucini - thirty years of travels, meetings, adventures of an Italian in the Black continent...

Per informazioni rivolgersi alla Segreteria della Presidenza SICCR:

Dott.ssa Marina Fiorino
cell. 338.2813863
e-mail: -

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