Year 9, n. 121, 16 November 2011


In search of golden numbers
If mathematics is the language in which God created the universe, at least according to science. We too as disciples of science, equally owe what we know to Galileo’s intuitions and will try to use some “golden” numbers to describe with scientific objectivity the SICCR’s 4th national congress...

Letter of the President
Dear SICCR members
As new president I would like to share my inner thoughts with you. Most of you already know me, I have also had the opportunity to exchange my point of view with many of you, besides the opportunity to discuss clinical cases and to collaborate in surgery. I am honoured...

Farewell greeting on behalf of Past President Aldo Infantino
Dear members
It is customary at the end of one’s mandate to sum up the achievements of the past and especially as in my case, of the past two years of my presidency. During an assembly, Stefano Mancini who has always been a reliable and diligent secretary, strongly underlined ...

Sintesi delle attivitá scientifiche e formative del biennio 2009-2011
Edited by Stefano Mancini

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In the section "Science Center - Short video, have been published:


Tra le 8 Podium Presentation e gli 86 Poster presentati durante il 4° Congresso Nazionale SICCR che si è svolto a Genova lo scorso 24-26 ottobre 2011 sono stati premiati come migliori lavori...

Scuola di Proctologia 2012:
Esami di ammissione

16 December 2011, Firenze

Scuola di Ecografia del Pavimento Pelvico 2012: Esami di ammissione
28 January 2012, Treviso

Ultrasonographic Imaging
of Pelvic Floor Disorders

23-25 November 2011, Treviso

Patologie del Pavimento Pelvico: update sulla defecazione ostruita
26 November 2011, Ancona

Convegno Annuale Fondazione Rosa Gallo: "Attualita' chirurgiche nelle malattie del colon-retto-ano" e "Problematiche emergenti nelle malattie infiammatorie croniche e nelle poliposi intestinali"
28-29 November 2011, Verona

Secretary of the SICCR Presidency
Dr Marina Fiorino
mobile 331 6796776

Il mio stato

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