Catania 5th - 7th October 2009
Deadline call for Abstracts
15th June 2009


In the section Information to Patients can be found Diverticolosis and Anal condylomas edited by Dr Corrado Asteria.

AIGO-SICCR Second Joint Meeting

The already consolidated collaboration between AIGO and SICCR became concrete in the Second Joint meeting held in Milan on the 29th of March. The main dealt with in the meeting was “ Chronic Constipation: decision-making measures”.
The topics was of great interest...

Filippo Pucciani

Back to normal care

It was my first experience as a doctor of ARES, a medical association concerned with preparing ready intervention in catastrophes, in collaboration with the National Civil Defence and the region of Marche.
I knew from the beginning that I would not be a surgeon in that particular reality...

Stefano Mancini

L'Aquila - field hospital


* 5th May 2009, Verona: Le Neoplasie Colo-Rettali: dallo Screening al Follow Up

Up-to-Date in Chirurgia Colo-Proctologica: Certezze, possibilità, Limiti e Nuove Acquisizioni
8th May 2009, Naples

Meeting Annuale dei Coordinatori UCP e Rappresentanti Regionali
9th May 2009, Chianciano Terme

* 11th - 12th May 2009, Vercelli: 3° Iter Formativo in Coloproctologia: Le Complicanze in Chirurgia Colorettale
20th - 22th May 2009, Lodz (Polonia): 8th International Colorectal Symposium
27th - 30th May 2009, Olbia: 28° Congresso Nazionale Acoi: alla Ricerca della Qualita’ in Chirurgia
28th - 30th May 2009, Rome: 4th International Congress on Endometriosis

* SICCR Organized/Supported Events


15 June 2009: Catania
3rd NATIONAL CONGRESS of Italian Society of Colo-Rectal Surgery

31 August 2009:Guangzhou/Canton, China
ECTA - 1st Biennal Meeting: New technologies in colorectal surgery

For information apply to the secretary of the SICCR presidency:

Dr. Marina Fiorino
cell. 338.2813863
e-mail: presidenza@siccr.org - marinafiorino@libero.it
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