Year 7, n. 88 - 29 October 2009

Letter of the president

Dear members, It is by now a SICCR custom that the newly elected president should give a presentation and greet all fellow members and peoplewho work and collaboratewith SICCR.
Letme start by warmly thanking all peoplewho voted forme and by doing so, demonstrated their esteemand trust inme.
I would like to repay them by offering my total commitment , a commitment that is as old as my thirty years of activity as a doctor. My friends and I have been totally committed with the result of improving and extending the field of colon proctology to the level it has reached today.

Directive Council 2009-2011

An assembly was held on the 5th - 6th October in Catania in occasion of the third National Congress of SICCR to elect the new SICCR Directive Council for the two-year period 2009-2011.

  • President: Aldo Infantino
  • Vice-President: Mario Trompetto
  • General Secretary: Stefano Mancini
  • Treasurer: Donato Maria Scardigno
  • Council Member: Luigi Basso, Corrado Bottini, Paola De Nardi, Claudio Mattana, Filippo Pucciani, Giulio Aniello Santoro
  • Auditor: Corrado Asteria, Ivreo Morganti
  • Deputy Auditor: Franco Catuogno

The editorial staff of SICCR would like to congratulate the new President Aldo Infantino and wishes the new Directive Council all the best for its activities.

Report on 3rd National Congress

It is not an easy task to tell about the SICCR third national congress which took place from the 5th to the 7th of October in Catania and which reunited more than 300 participants.
In particular for two reasons; firstly for the abundance of interventions, contents and proposals and secondly for the enthusiasm of the result obtained, thanks to the persistent effort of all those who firmly believed in achieving this result and therefore have worked very hard for the past two years.

SICCR: Post-graduate diploma in proctology 2009

The Siccr Directive Council would like to congratulate Dr David Alessio Merlini on attaining his Post-graduate diploma in proctology, based on qualifications and exams.
The proclamation took place during the Siccr 3rd National Congress held in Catania on the 5th October.

Change of presidency in ESCP

The ESCP annual congress took place in Prague between the 23rd and 26th September.
There were more than 950 participants who ratified the importance of this association which, thanks to the force of science surpasses the boundaries between nations.
There were many Italians at the event, who presented their papers.




Corso Teorico – Pratico
su suture e medicazioni
per Medici e Infermieri

06 - 07 November 2009
San Vito al Tagliamento (PN)


3° Iter Formativo in Coloproctologia:
Malattie Infiammatorie
Croniche Intestinali

09 - 10 November 2009

  • 06-11-2009, Mantova:
    I Tumori del Colon Retto: La realtà mantovana

  • 07-11-2009, Negrar (VR):
    Gastroenterologo e Chirurgo: Patologie a Confronto

  • 14-11-2009, Roma:
    Corso di aggiornamento teoricopratico in coloproctologia per Medici di Medicina Generale, Gastroenterologi, Chirurghi

  • 17-11-2009, Verona:
    IBD and familial polyposis: Where are we?

  • 18-11-2009, Verona:
    Stomia e qualità di vita

  • 18-11-2009, Treviso:
    XIII Course - Ultrasonographic imaging of pelvic floor disorders

  • Other

  • 13-11-2009, Guangzhou/Canton, Cina:
    ECTA - 1st Biennal Meeting: New technologies in colorectal surgery

  • 20-11-2009, Mosca, Russia:
    Second International Conference - Russian School of Colorectal Surgery

    For informationi contact the Secretary of the SICCR Presidency:
    Dr Marina Fiorino – mobile 338 281 3863 - e-mail: -
    © 2009 SICCR – Informative on privacy of personal details
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