Year 9 , n. 107, 19 January 2011


In the section "Patients - General informations" can be found Anal Carcinoma, edited by G.A. Santoro, D. Scardigno e A. Infantino.


Ascessi, fistole anali e retto-vaginali

edited by Mario Pescatori:



3th Educational Colorectal Meeting: Podium Presentations

Here are the titles of the Podium Presentations with the name of the author who presented the work, awarded during the 3th Educational Colorectal Meeting which took place in Rome from the 13-14th December 2010. As announced before, the winners will be hosted in a special facility to take...

Master of second level in "Mini-invasive emergency surgery and modern technological applications"

The objectives of this master are to provide adequate cultural assistance, with reference to the prerequisites of mini-invasive surgery and the indications in emergencies and its current limits, the underlying principles to different surgical procedures , the problems linked to...

Master of second level in Proctological Surgery

The objective of the Master in Proctological Surgery is to provide an in-depth understanding in both theory and practice of the problems linked to physiopathology, diagnosis and therapy in coloproctology. Particular attention will be paid to the multidisciplinary theoretical training...



The section dedicated to Register and Payment to the association is now operating on the site.
Membership and payment or renewal of membership by credit card can be carried out on line.
It is also possible to carry out payment through direct debit.
For further details contact the Secretariat of the SICCR Presidency.



1° Congresso Interregionale delle Tre Venezie:
Attualità in Colonproctologia

22 January 2011, Mestre (VE)

Corso di Aggiornamento in "Terapia Endoscopica e Colonproctologia"

11 - 12 February 2011, Fordongianus (OR)

Corso di perfezionamento in "Diagnosi e Terapia delle Patologie Retto -Anali"

02 - 04 February 2011, Rome

5° Iter Formativo in Coloproctologia

March - December 2011, Vercelli

1° Joint Meeting Interregionale Italia Centrale SICCR - AIUG

12 March 2011, Terni

Corso post-universitario di metodologia della ricerca in chirurgia

14 - 16 March 2011, Rome

For informationi contact the Secretary of the SICCR Presidency:
Dr Marina Fiorino – mobile 331 6796776 – e-mail: -
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