Year 8 , n. 94, 16 March 2010


The SICCR blog is operating on the web site It is full of lively discussions on behalf of Dr Corrado Bottini.
This blog wants to be considered a Cybernetic place in the sense that its members can write their own ideas and opinions, which can serve as an incentive to the association’s activities and initiatives.
All interventions will be classified according to their topic.
It represents an opportunity for the members to share their viewpoints on different matters, in the hope that it will become a kind of internet diary for SICCR.
Enter the blog...


The experience of a specialist in Endoscopy in Nanorò
Mauro Cabras

What strikes at the arrival in Nanorò, after having crossed half a nation is to find such a well equipped hospital in comparison to its environment, also the humbleness of the guest quarters which can be compared to an oasis in the desert.
The operating theatres are similar to the small local hospitals in our country, without doubt better organized in comparison to the standards of other hospitals present in the country...


In the section "Patients - General informations" can be found The Appendicopaties edited by Stefano Mancini.


Non-instrumental rehabilitation of the perineum – VIIIth Course
Ines Destefano

Last 22nd and 23rd February the VIIIth course on the Non- Instrumental Rehabilitation of the perineum in the Ambulatory of Coloproctology SCDU of A.O.U St Luigi di Orbassano (Turin).
Twenty-two participants (4 doctors, 6 obstetrics and 12 nurses) from different parts of Italy (Turin, Moncalieri, Savigliano, Cuneo, Verona, Massa Carrara, Reggio Calabria) took part in the event.
During the two days course both the attention paid to the contents and participation were great, with continuous interest in the activities carried out by the group...




Attualita’ nella Diagnosi e Trattamento delle Patologie del Pavimento Pelvico
22 March 2010

Corso Pratico in Diagnostica Coloproctologica e Riabilitazione del Pavimento Pelvico
23 - 24 March 2010

La Sessualita’ nel Paziente Stomizzato
27 March 2010


  • 19 - 23 March 2010, Seoul, Korea:
    24th Biennial Congress of ISUCRS

  • 25 - 26 March 2010, Milan:
    Corso Monotematico Internazionale SIUD: Il dolore pelvico cronico nuove soluzioni per un problema antico

  • 28 - 30 March 2010, Nice, France:
    European Multidisciplinary Colorectal Cancer Congress 2010


  • 31 March 2010
    EICF 2010: The Edinburgh International Coloproctology Festival
    30 - 31 August 2010, Edinburgh

  • 31 July 2010
    3° EDUCATIONAL COLORECTAL MEETING: Le urgenze in chirurgia colorettale
    13 - 14 December 2010, Rome

  • 20 September 2010
    Quinte Giornate Rodigine di Proctologia: Pensare per il futuro
    21 - 22 October 2010, Rovigo

    For informationi contact the Secretary of the SICCR Presidency:
    Dr Marina Fiorino – mobile 338 281 3863 - e-mail: -
    © 2009 SICCR – Informative on privacy of personal details
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