Year 8 , n. 103, 18 October 2010

Call for Abstracts: 31 October 2010


3° Educational Colorectal Meeting 13-14 December 2010

The presidency of the congress in accordance with the SICCR Directive Council has decided to award a prize to the three best Podium Presentations. The three winners will be invited as guests to the Tecnopolo of Castel Romano- Sala sperimentale for a one-day full immersion training course in [...]

School of Proctology

On 15th december 2010 will be held the entrance examination for the postgraduate school of proctology.

Fifth Scientific & Annual General Meeting European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) Sorrento, Italy

The fifth Scientific Congress of the European Society of Colon proctology (ESCP) was held in Sorrento from the 22nd to the 25th September. There’s no doubt that it was a great success thanks to the attendance of more than a thousand delegates, also for the quality and the abundance of the [...]

In memory of Prof. Fortuneè Irene Habib

Prof. Fortuneè Irene Habib has recently passed away. She was a researcher of great merit in the field of gastroenterology and neurology and was well known to us in the field of colon proctology for her studies on dysfunctional pathologies of the pelvic pavement and in particular for her meticulous and painstaking efforts in the in depth study of diagnostics of which she was an expert. [...]


In the section "Patients - General informations" can be found Virtual Colonoscopy edited by Dr. Corrado Asteria.


  Dr. Nereo Vettoretto
  Laparoscopic Surgery Unit
  Dept. Of Surgery M.Mellini Hospital
  Chiari (BS), Italy

  The issues and the evidence:
  a brief review on laparoscopic appendectomy in 2010



The section dedicated to Register and Payment to the association is now operating on the site.
Membership and payment or renewal of membership by credit card can be carried out on line.
It is also possible to carry out payment through direct debit.
For further details contact the Secretariat of the SICCR Presidency.


Quinte Giornate Rodigine di Proctologia:
Pensare per il futuro

21 - 22 October 2010, Rovigo

2° Meeting di Coloproctologia del Salento

29 - 30 October 2010, Gallipoli (Le)

1° Congresso Tri-Regionale S.I.C.C.R Liguria, Lombardia, Piemonte: Nuove Frontiere in Colonproctologia

06 November 2010,
Solbiate Olona (VA)

XIV° Course Ultrasonographic imaging of pelvic floor disorders

17-19 November, Treviso


For informationi contact the Secretary of the SICCR Presidency:
Dr Marina Fiorino – mobile 331 6796776 – e-mail: -
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