Year 8 ,n. 106, 22 December 2010



Dear member
It’s just over a year since the installation of the Directive Council and my nomination as president, and I would like to give you a short summary of what we have been able to carry out from the initial master plan.
We are perfectly in step with the Mission and Vision of our society. In fact the sectors relative to communication have been implemented with a web site with up to date contents and graphics that are more eye-catching. New sections have been created such as a dictionary and a video section which will be improved even more both in terms of quality and quantity. Monthly contacts have doubled in a year, we have published more than 106 newsletters in the year 2010. The objective of the newsletter is to maintain all members constantly informed.
We have managed to organise 6 events besides supporting the second level Master in coloproctology (Rome), the Course of methodology of research, two Courses (Rome) and two Courses in sutures (san Vito al Tagliamento/Roma), three Courses for MMG (Molfetta/Vicenza/Udine), the Training Cours in Coloproctology (Vercelli), the setting up of a School of Proctology (Firenze) and of a School of Ultrasonographic imaging in Treviso. Eight events have been sponsored. The outcome of the work of almost all the committees and sections has been excellent; we have invested unsatisfactorily in some of them. The collaboration with other scientific societies has resulted in the combined congress with the AIUG in Alghero and with the SIPAD in Naples. Moreover, with the AIUG other combined courses have been planned which will start in Terni next March with successive editions in Milan and Catania. The Educational Meeting, which was shortly held in Rome has registered an improvement in the scientific level of the abstracts and also in the quality of the presentation; the six best abstracts will be awarded. The authors of the abstracts will be hosted in a centre where they will be invited to carry out V-L activities on pigs.
Research activity, too, has been supported and it has allowed some publications in international journals. Multicentric studies are under way and others are being planned ...

The president
Aldo Infantino

Sintesi delle attività scientifiche e formative del 2010; prospettive del 2011
edited by Stefano Mancini


 Official Journal 

  Techniques in Coloproctology



1° Congresso Interregionale delle Tre Venezie:
Attualità in Colonproctologia

22 Jenuary 2011, Mestre (VE)

Corso di Aggiornamento in "Terapia Endoscopica e Colonproctologia"

11 - 12 February 2011, Fordongianus (OR)

5° Iter Formativo in Coloproctologia

March - December 2011, Vercelli

1° Joint Meeting Interregionale Italia Centrale SICCR - AIUG

12 March 2011, Terni

Corso post-universitario di metodologia della ricerca in chirurgia

14 - 16 March 2011, Rome

4° Congresso SICCR: dal low cost...all'high tech

24 - 26 October 2011, Genova

For informationi contact the Secretary of the SICCR Presidency:
Dr Marina Fiorino – mobile 331 6796776 – e-mail: -
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