Year 9, n.111, 16 June 2011

Deadline call for abstracts 30 June 2011


Dear Colleagues
We are back with the online video section of our society after a short pause due to its re-organization.
We have been encouraged by the fact that since it’s creation, the video section is one of the most popular sites visited, despite the fact that originally, its contents were scarce. In fact we have considered improving the quality of the videos, which in turn allows full screen vision. We are giving our members back what we believe to be a precious instrument and invite you to supply your own material so it can become a common asset to the society.
We would like to invite whoever is interested in collaborating, to send a video of about 7-10 minutes, of solely didactic-scientific contents and with no purpose of publicity. The video should include a list of the authors, and a comment written both in Italian and English of about 80-2000 words. The videos can be sent in the format preferred by the author and we suggest that you limit the number of its conversions to avoid worsening the quality of the images.

Alberto Arezzo

For informations contact: -


In the section "Patients - General informations" can be found Cancer of the Rectum, edited by P. Toppan and S. Pucciarelli.


Techniques in Coloproctology
It started in 1993 as "UCP News", Bulletin of the Coloproctology Units, still a crucial network of the SICCR, then changed to "Techniques" in 1995. It was published in Italian and English, then...

Gentile Socio, nel prossimo congresso Nazionale della SICCR, che si terrá a Genova dal 24 al 26 Ottobre 2011, é prevista una sessione sul Sinus Pilonidalis.
Tale sessione, interamente affidata ai "giovani" della nostra Societá, si propone di affrontarne le diverse problematiche e di fare una messa a punto sulle attuali modalità di trattamento...

Surgery: Current criticality, future scenarios and possible solutions
Report by Dr Paolo De Santis, responsible for health and pharmacology in the McKinsey & Company in the Mediterranean area. The title of the report is "Surgery: Current criticality, future scenarios and possible solutions"...



Just as for the Educational meeting of last December and the 4th National Congress: "from low cost to high technology", the Presidency and the Directive Council of the SICCR have decided to award the best Podium Presentations.
The winners will repeat the past experience of a full immersion day course in laparoscopy on animals with the same modalities as those held the past 25th February (Corso di Chirurgia Sperimentale Colorettale - Report di una sessione di Laparoscopia Avanzata).
Further details on the initiative will be communicated in the next weeks.


The section dedicated to Register and Payment to the association is now operating on the site.
Membership and payment or renewal of membership by credit card can be carried out on line.
It is also possible to carry out payment through direct debit.
For further details contact the Secretariat of the SICCR Presidency.



5° Iter Formativo in Coloproctologia

March - December 2011, Vercelli

FINCO: Giornata nazionale per la prevenzione
e la cura dell’incontinenza

28 June 2011, Italia

For informations contact the Secretary of the SICCR Presidency:
Dr Marina Fiorino – mobile 331 6796776 – e-mail: -
© 2009 SICCR – Informative on privacy of personal details
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