Year 9, n.110, 28 March 2011
Deadline call for abstracts: 30 June, 2011


In the section "Patients - General informations" can be found The Appendicopaties, edited by Stefano Mancini.


The objective of ultrasound imaging of the pelvic floor is to train colorectal surgeons, gynaecologists who are concerned with urology, gastroenterologists and radiologists in the field of ultrasound of the pelvic floor, and to confer a specific diploma.
The school belongs to the SICCR (Italian Society of Colo-Rectal surgery) but is affiliated also to SIUMB (Society of Medical and Biological Ultrasonography) to SIUD (Italian Society of Urodynamics) and to AIUG (Italian Association of Urogynaecology).
The principal training centre of the school is the Unit of Pelvic Floor 1St Department of Surgery, regional hospital of Treviso. Other centres where practical diagnostic activities can be carried out, are decided annually by the Directive Council of the School.
The length of the course is...


Training Course in Colorectal Surgery
Report on a session of advanced Experimental Laparoscopy

The first experimental course in colorectal surgery was held on the 25th February 2011, as was the award for the six best Podium Presentations and abstract of the Educational Meeting of the 13-14th December in Rome.
The event stemmed from the idea of wanting to replace the conventional economical award of the congress in order to show a renewed interest of the society in training and education...

Report: 1st SICCR-AIUG Inter-regional Joint meeting of central Italy
After a few difficulties at the beginning we finally realized the first SICCR-AIUG Joint Meeting. There were more than 120 participants...



The section dedicated to Register and Payment to the association is now operating on the site.
Membership and payment or renewal of membership by credit card can be carried out on line.
It is also possible to carry out payment through direct debit.
For further details contact the Secretariat of the SICCR Presidency.



5° Iter Formativo in Coloproctologia

March - December 2011, Vercelli

2° Congresso Tri-Regionale S.I.C.C.R.
Liguria, Lombardia, Piemonte
"Scelte controverse in Coloproctologia"

9 April 2011, Biella

Registro Tumori Veneto
Il Punto sul Cancro del Retto

15 April 2011, Verona

5° Iter Formativo in Coloproctologia
Cancro del Retto

18 - 19 April 2011, Vercelli

For informationi contact the Secretary of the SICCR Presidency:
Dr Marina Fiorino – mobile 331 6796776 – e-mail: -
© 2009 SICCR – Informative on privacy of personal details
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