Year 11, n. 149, 30 January 2013


In the section "Patients - General informations" can be found:

Proctalgia Fugax
Edited by Dr Fabio Marino

The proctalgia fugax is a benign disease characterized by sudden onset at irregular intervals of a violent throbbing rectal pain which ...

Hands-On Cadaver Training in Laparoscopic Colon and Rectal Surgery, Abdominal Wall Reconstruction and Colonoscopic Stenting of Strictures

This hands-on training is intended for general and colorectal surgeons and gastroenterologists with an interest in laparoscopic colon resections and the utilization of biologic graphs for abdominal wall and parastomal hernia repair and endoscopic colon stenting of strictures...
Read ...

J-POUCH vs STRAIGHT: Studio Multicentrico Randomizzato

Carissimi vi invio la newsletter n. 3 relativa all'andamento dello studio J-pouch vs straight.
Essa eé frutto del lavoro della dott.ssa Del Bianco e della dott.ssa Briarava che ringrazio.
Dovendo raggiungere 600 casi, sarebbe opportuno non farsi prendere dalla stanchezza, anzi ...
Read ...

  Luca Seriau
  Clinica Chirurgica
  Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Udine

  Abdominal Adhesions: From Formation
  to Prevention - Part Two




The section dedicated to Register and Payment to the association is now operating on the site.
For further details contact the Secretariat of the SICCR Presidency

Master di I Livello in Infermieristica in Chirurgia Miniinvasiva d'Urgenza
15 February 2013, Rom


Master di II Livello in Chirurgia Miniinvasiva d'Urgenza e Moderne Applicazioni Tecnologiche
15 February 2013, Rom


Workshop - Lo screening del cancro colorettale in campania: un modello interaziendale
7 March 2013, Naples


Joint Spring Meeting 2013 - NE Thames ACPGBI Chapter and SICCR
19 April 2013,
S. Vito al Tagliamento (PN)



Secretary of the SICCR Presidency
Dr Marina Fiorino
mobile 331 6796776

Il mio stato

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