Year 7, n. 84 - 14 August 2009


Catania 5-7 October 2009

The new website is online!!

The new version of the website is online It has now not only a graphic restyling but it is also more surfable and available.

Order has been put in all the windows by adding new activities; for a faster search of the group’s meetings. There will be a “calendar” which will show meetings, congress deadlines, reunions, Commissions and Sections and more!


At the base of it there has been, and still is, a constant update and implementation also in the contents. This has allowed us to reach the daily average of 400 clicks.


We have kept the HONcode certification, acronym of Health on the Net Foundation Code of Conduct for medical and health Web sites, independant foundation that certifies, through periodical checks, the standard of quality and the correctness of information on the sites that deal with medical-scientifical topics.


Editorial staff
Editor: Aldo Infantino
Co-Editor: Luigi Basso, Stefano Mancini
Assistant Editor: Marina Fiorino
Web Master: Alessandra Grenga


Search doctor

Search engine dedicated to subscribers, who require a specialist near their town.



Participate in the discussions in the SICCR’s blog (service reserved only to members).
Enter the blog


Coloproctology Units

Look for the Coloproctology Unit for each region.


For informationi contact the Secretary of the SICCR Presidency:
Dr Marina Fiorino – mobile 338 281 3863 - e-mail: -
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