Dalle personal opinions all'evidence based surgery
7 - 9 October 2013, Lecce
School of Colorectal Surgery and Proctology
Entrance exams for admission to the new school of colorectal surgery and proctology, which is a prestigious initiative of our Association, were held in Vercelli on January 26th 2013.
The board of examiners was made up of...
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Report dal Journal Club Triveneto
Giorno 25 Gennaio, presso la biblioteca dell'ospedale di San Vito al Tagliamento, si è tenuto il primo incontro del SICCR Journal club del Triveneto. Come rappresentante regionale mi sono fatto promotore di tale iniziativa perchè fungesse da volano per ulteriori eventi ...
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Joint Spring Meeting 2013 - NE Thames ACPGBI Chapter and SICCR
19 April 2013, S. Vito al Tagliamento (PN)
Workshop - Lo screening del cancro colorettale in campania: un modello interaziendale
7 March 2013, Naples
7° Iter Formativo in Coloproctologia
Corso di Aggiornamento su Emorroidi
11 March 2013, Vercelli
7° Iter Formativo in Coloproctologia
Cancro del colon-retto
15 April 2013, Vercelli
The section dedicated to Register and Payment
to the association is now operating on the site.
For further details contact the
Secretariat of the SICCR Presidency