Anno 13, n. 191, 8 gennaio 2015
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In this issue:

Challenges in Coloproctology 
Objective assessment of technique in laparoscopic colorectal surgery: What are the existing tools?
J. D. Foster & N. K. Francis
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Original Article 
Hemorrhoidal artery ligation (HAL) and rectoanal repair (RAR): retrospective analysis of 408 patients in a single center
M. Scheyer , E. Antonietti , G. Rollinger , S. Lancee & H. Pokorny
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Original Article 
A randomized pilot study on single-port versus conventional laparoscopic rectal surgery: effects on postoperative pain and the stress response to surgery
O. Bulut , K. K. Aslak , K. Levic , C. B. Nielsen , E. Rømer , S. Sørensen , I. J. Christensen & H. J. Nielsen
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Original Article 
Long-term evaluation of bulking agents for the treatment of fecal incontinence: clinical outcomes and ultrasound evidence
F. Guerra , M. La Torre , G. Giuliani , D. Coletta , S. Amore Bonapasta , F. Velluti & F. La Torre
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Original Article 
Ligation anopexy versus hemorrhoidectomy in the treatment of second- and third-degree hemorrhoids
W. G. Elshazly , A. E. Gazal , K. Madbouly & A. Hussen
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Original Article 
Propensity adjusted appraisal of the surgical strategy for appendiceal carcinoids
A. Ciarrocchi , R. Pietroletti , F. Carlei , S. Necozione & G. Amicucci
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Multimedia Article 
AirSeal system insufflator to maintain a stable pneumorectum during TAMIS
G. Bislenghi , A. M. Wolthuis , A. de Buck van Overstraeten & A. D’Hoore
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Trick of the Trade 
Triple procedure for complex anal fistula
B. K. Jain & P. K. Garg
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Successful autologous fecal transplantation for chronic diversion colitis
F. Gundling , M. Tiller , A. Agha , W. Schepp & I. Iesalnieks
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The Last Image 
Anal sphincteroplasty and gracilis muscle transposition using transvaginal access in a patient with fecal incontinence
A. N. Yücesoy , M. Cifçi & S. Poçan
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Impact Factor: 1.344 ( 2013 )* 
* Journal Citation Reports®, Thomson Reuters
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