SICCR - Newsletter Anno 13, n. 202, 3 Agosto 2015
Anno 13, n. 202, 3 Agosto 2015

New Issue Alert                                                                        29/07/2015
Dear Reader,

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents
for Techniques in Coloproctology. Volume 19
Number 8
is now available online.
Important News

News from the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery (SICCR)

The 6th National Congress of the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery "Patient first: quality of care, management, multidisciplinary approach" will be held on October 4-7, 2015 at the BHR Treviso Hotel, Treviso (Italy). More information here! » Learn more

In this issue


Anal fistula closure with FiLaC: new hope or the same old story?

D. F. Altomare

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF

Descending perineum syndrome: new perspectives

F. Pucciani

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Original Article

Fistula-tract Laser Closure (FiLaC™): long-term results and new operative strategies

P. Giamundo, L. Esercizio, M. Geraci, L. Tibaldi & M. Valente

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF
Original Article                                                                                                             

Treatment of Crohn’s disease-related high perianal fistulas combining the mucosa advancement flap with platelet-rich plasma: a pilot study

K. W. A. Göttgens, R. R. Smeets, L. P. S. Stassen, G. L. Beets, M. Pierik & S. O. Breukink

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Original Article

A randomized controlled clinical trial comparing the outcomes of circumferential subcuticular wound approximation (CSWA) with conventional wound closure after stoma reversal

M. P. J. Lopez, M. F. A. Melendres, S. A. C. A. Maglangit, M. F. T. Roxas, H. J. Monroy & A. C. Crisostomo

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF
Original Article

When is the best time for temporary stoma closure in laparoscopic sphincter-saving surgery for rectal cancer? A study of 259 consecutive patients

M. N. Figueiredo, D. Mège, L. Maggiori, M. Ferron & Y. Panis

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF
Video Forum

Wrap technique for rectal prolapse: video step by step

J.-F. Gravié

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF
How I Do It

Cleft lift procedure for pilonidal disease: technique and perioperative management

J. Favuzza, M. Brand, A. Francescatti & B. Orkin

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Technical Advances

Drainoscopy: a doorway to the abdomen in the post-surgical patient

S. Atallah, T. deBeche-Adams, Z. Imam & K. Amir

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Trick of the Trade

Treatment of acute hemorrhoidal crisis using hyaluronidase with local anesthetic prior to surgical excision

N. Kolbe & J. Hain

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The origin of cure for fistula in ano: technique of Hippocrates

D. Tsamis

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF 

Rectovaginal fistula secondary to an erosive pessary

G. Ozuner, F. Elagili & E. Aytac

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Congress Report

26th International Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (SMIT)

D. C. K. Ng, W. Meng, I. Lo & A. Sihoe

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF 
Congress Report

The 4th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass, Barcelona, February 19, 2015

O. Zmora

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF 
Congress Report

The 114th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons

W. C. Cirocco

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF 

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 Impact Factor: 2.044 (2014)
 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters

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