Anno 13, n. 204, 12 Settembre 2015

New Issue Alert                                                                        09/09/2015
Dear Reader,

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents
for Techniques in Coloproctology. Volume 19
Number 9
is now available online.
Important News

News from the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery (SICCR)

The 6th National Congress of the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery "Patient first: quality of care, management, multidisciplinary approach" will be held on October 4-7, 2015 at the BHR Treviso Hotel, Treviso (Italy). More information here! » Learn more

In this issue


The dawn of the digital operating theatre and the rise of the digital surgeon

S. Atallah

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Techniques aren’t everything: Why conscientious well-trained surgeons make mistakes?

R. Bethune & N. Francis

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Complications during colonoscopy: prevention, diagnosis, and management

R. Manta, F. Tremolaterra, A. Arezzo, M. Verra, G. Galloro, L. Dioscoridi, F. Pugliese, A. Zullo, M. Mutignani & G. Bassotti

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Original Article

Pain control for laparoscopic colectomy: an analysis of the incidence and utility of epidural analgesia compared to conventional analgesia

M. daSilva, D. Lomelin, J. Tsui, M. Klinginsmith, C. Tadaki & S. Langenfeld

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Original Article

Comparing perineal repairs for rectal prolapse: Delorme versus Altemeier

F. Elagili, B. Gurland, X. Liu, J. Church & G. Ozuner

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Original Article

Transanal total mesorectal excision assisted by single-port laparoscopic surgery for low rectal cancer

W.-H. Chen, L. Kang, S.-L. Luo, X.-W. Zhang, Y. Huang, Z.-H. Liu & J.-P. Wang

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Original Article

Comparison between a new electronic bidet and conventional sitz baths: a manometric evaluation of the anal resting pressure in normal healthy volunteers

S.-B. Ryoo, H.-K. Oh, E. C. Han, Y. S. Song, M. S. Seo, E. K. Choe, S. H. Moon & K. J. Park

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Technical Note

Transanal total mesorectal excision: a pure NOTES approach for selected patients

P. Leão, A. Goulart, C. Veiga, H. Cristino, N. Marcos, J. Correia-Pinto, M. Rodrigues & C. Moreno-Sanz

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Trick of the Trade

An effective new method for the placement of an anti-adhesion barrier film using an introducer in laparoscopic surgery

S. Koketsu, S. Sameshima, T. Okuyama, Y. Yamagata, E. Takeshita, N. Tagaya & M. Oya

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF

Podium presentations of the 10th annual meeting of the Mediterranean Society of Pelvic Floor Disorders, Cairo, Egypt, 9th–11th April, 2015, chairman: Ali A. Shafik, MD

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Rectal duplication responsible for compressive symptoms is a very rare entity in adults

A. Bashaer & J.-L. Faucheron

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Drainoscopy: a doorway to the abdomen in the post-surgical patient

A. H. M. Nassar & Z. Ahmed

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 Impact Factor: 2.044 (2014)
 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters

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Important News
We are pleased to announce that Techniques in Coloproctology

has a new society affiliation! Since 2015 the journal is also affiliated with the International Society of Coloproctology and Association of Surgeons (India). Learn more about the affiliated societies here

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