Anno 13, n. 206, 5 Ottobre 2015


New Issue Alert                                                                        10/03/2015
Dear Reader,

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents
for Techniques in Coloproctology. Volume 19
Number 10
is now available online.
Important News

Special Issue Alert!

Please enjoy this special article collection (see articles below), including the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery clinical guidelines for the treatment of hemorrhoids, early colorectal cancer, anal fistula, pilonidal sinus, diverticulitis and IBD!

In this issue


Laparoscopic ventral rectopexy is the gold standard treatment for rectal

F. Reche & J.-L. Faucheron

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Evaluation and management of hemorrhoids: Italian society of colorectal
surgery (SICCR) consensus statement

M. Trompetto, G. Clerico, G. F. Cocorullo, P. Giordano, F. Marino, J. Martellucci, G. Milito,
M. Mistrangelo & C. Ratto

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF
Clinical Guidelines

Practice parameters for early colon cancer management: Italian Society of
Colorectal Surgery (Società Italiana di Chirurgia Colo-Rettale; SICCR)

F. Bianco, A. Arezzo, F. Agresta, C. Coco, R. Faletti, Z. Krivocapic, G. Rotondano,
G. A. Santoro, N. Vettoretto, S. De Franciscis, A. Belli & G. M. Romano

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF
Clinical Guidelines

Practice parameters for early rectal cancer management: Italian Society of
Colorectal Surgery (Società Italiana di Chirurgia Colo-Rettale; SICCR)

A. Arezzo, F. Bianco, F. Agresta, C. Coco, R. Faletti, Z. Krivocapic, G. Rotondano, G. A. Santoro, N. Vettoretto, S. De Franciscis, A. Belli & G. M. Romano

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF
Clinical Guidelines

Evaluation and management of perianal abscess and anal fistula: a consensus statement developed by the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery (SICCR)

A. Amato, C. Bottini, P. De Nardi, P. Giamundo, A. Lauretta, A. Realis Luc, G. Tegon &
R. J. Nicholls

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF
Clinical Guidelines

The treatment of pilonidal disease: guidelines of the Italian Society of
Colorectal Surgery (SICCR)

D. Segre, M. Pozzo, R. Perinotti & B. Roche

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF
Clinical Guidelines

Practice parameters for the treatment of colonic diverticular disease: Italian Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery (SICCR) guidelines

G. A. Binda, R. Cuomo, A. Laghi, R. Nascimbeni, A. Serventi, D. Bellini, P. Gervaz &
B. Annibale

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF
Consensus Statement

A think tank of the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery (SICCR) on the surgical treatment of inflammatory bowel disease using the Delphi method: ulcerative

F. Selvaggi, G. Pellino, G. Ghezzi, D. Corona, G. Riegler & G. G. Delaini

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF
Consensus Statement

A think tank of the Italian society of colorectal surgery (SICCR) on the surgical
treatment of inflammatory bowel disease using the Delphi method: Crohn’s

G. Pellino, F. Selvaggi, G. Ghezzi, D. Corona, G. Riegler & G. G. Delaini

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF
Original Article

Long-term outcomes after circular stapled hemorrhoidopexy versus Ferguson hemorrhoidectomy

E. Aytac, E. Gorgun, H. H. Erem, M. A. Abbas, T. L. Hull & F. H. Remzi

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF
Video Forum

Laparoscopic pelvic sidewall dissection with combined resection of internal
iliac vessels for local recurrence of rectal cancer

S. Hasegawa, G. Nishikawa, K. Hida, K. Kawada & Y. Sakai

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF 

Rapid nonlinear bladder and bowel evacuation: an evolutionary survival mechanism?

P. E. Petros & M. Bush

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF 

Transanal endoscopic resection with peritoneal entry: a word of reason

J. P. Burke, S. Atallah & M. R. Albert

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF 

Erratum to: Flavonoids mixture (diosmin, troxerutin, hesperidin) in the
treatment of acute hemorrhoidal disease: a prospective, randomized, triple-
blind, controlled trial

I. Giannini, A. Amato, L. Basso, N. Tricomi, M. Marranci, G. Pecorella, S. Tafuri, D. Pennisi & D. F. Altomare

»Abstract   »Full text HTML   »Full text PDF 

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 Impact Factor: 2.044 (2014)
 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters

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