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Anno 14, n. 220, 3 Maggio 2016

New Issue Alert                                                                              04/17/2016
Dear Reader,

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents
for Techniques in Coloproctology. Volume 20
Number 5
is now available online.

In this issue


Pushing the boundaries of the management of uncomplicated diverticulitis

Y. Ribas & A. D’Hoore

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To TEM or not to TEM: past, present and probable future perspectives of the
transanal endoscopic microsurgery platform

A. Arezzo

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Original Article

Pure Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) with a new
elongated, curved Transanal Endoscopic Operation (TEO) device for
rectosigmoid resection: a survival study in a porcine model

P. Wilhelm, S. Axt, P. Storz, S. Wenz, S. Müller & A. Kirschniak

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Original Article

Preliminary results of video-assisted anal fistula treatment (VAAFT) in children

A. Pini Prato, C. Zanaboni, M. Mosconi, C. Mazzola, L. Muller, P. C. Meinero, M. G. Faticato,
L. Leonelli, G. Montobbio, N. Disma & G. Mattioli

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Original Article

Clinical recurrence and re-resection rates after extensive vs. segmental
colectomy in Crohn’s colitis: a retrospective cohort study

M. Handler, I. Dotan, J. M. Klausner, H. Yanai, E. Neeman & H. Tulchinsky

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Original Article

A new stomaplasty ring (Koring™) to prevent parastomal hernia: an
observational multicenter Swiss study

V. Guarnero, H. Hoffmann, F. Hetzer, D. Oertli, M. Turina, U. Zingg, N. Demartines, F. Ris &
D. Hahnloser

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Original Article

Tailored therapy for different presentations of chronic pain after stapled hemorrhoidopexy

C. R. Asteria, J. Robert-Yap, G. Zufferey, F. Colpani, A. Pascariello, G. Lucchini & B. Roche

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Original Article

Selective non-antibiotic treatment in sigmoid diverticulitis: is it time to change
the traditional approach?

O. Estrada Ferrer, N. Ruiz Edo, L.-A. Hidalgo Grau, M. Abadal Prades, M. del Bas Rubia,
E. M. Garcia Torralbo, A. Heredia Budo & X. Suñol Sala

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Short Communication

Sacral nerve stimulation versus percutaneous posterior tibial nerve stimulation
in the treatment of severe fecal incontinence in men

P. Moya, P. Parra, A. Arroyo, E. Peña, J. Benavides & R. Calpena

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Video Forum

Transanal minimally invasive surgery approach for rectal GIST

J. Pintor-Tortolero, J. C. García & R. Cantero

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Trick of the Trade

Endoanal/endovaginal ultrasound-assisted bilateral partial myotomy of the
puborectalis for anismus

M. Pescatori & G. Gallo

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Cochrane Digest

Comments to: surgical management of pelvic organ prolapse in women

A. M. Cohen, M. A. Kahn & S. Brown

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The Italian approach to diverticular perforation complicated by diffuse
peritonitis: report of the Annual UCP-SICCR Meeting 2015

A. Serventi, R. Perinotti & A. Amato

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Quality of patient information online for rectal prolapse

A. Sehgal, F. A. M. Scott, H. M. Joshi & M. P. Gosselink

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Hiatal hernia, mitral valve prolapse and defecatory disorders: An underlying
rectal prolapse?

M. Shalaby, P. Polisca, G. Missori & P. Sileri

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 Impact Factor: 2.044 (2014)
 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters

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