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Anno 17, n. 273, 17 Luglio 2019

New Issue Alert                                                                              07/14/2019
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In this issue

Robotic ventral mesh rectopexy for rectal prolapse: a few years until
this becomes the gold standard

J.-L. Faucheron, B. Trilling & E. Girard

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The clinical efficacy of stem cell therapy for complex perianal fistulas: a

S. Choi, B. G. Jeon, G. Chae & S.-J. Lee

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Original Article
Clinical and physiological risk factors for fecal incontinence in chronically
constipated women

D. Carter, E. Bardan & C. Maradey-Romero

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Original Article                                                                                                                                  
A systematic review of classification systems for pilonidal sinus

E. M. Beal, M. J. Lee, D. Hind, A. P. Wysocki, F. Yang & S. R. Brown

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Original Article
Disparities in colostomy reversal after Hartmann’s procedure for diverticulitis

M. C. Turner, M. D. Talbott, C. Reed, Z. Sun, M. L. Cox, B. Ezekian, K. L. Sherman,
C. R. Mantyh & J. Migaly

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Original Article
Hospital stay for temporary stoma closure is shortened by C-reactive protein
monitoring: a prospective case-matched study

E. Hain, L. Maggiori, A. Laforest, A. Frontali, J. Prost à la Denise & Y. Panis

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Original Article                                                                                                                                  
Cost-analysis and quality of life after laparoscopic and robotic ventral mesh
rectopexy for posterior compartment prolapse: a randomized trial

J. Mäkelä-Kaikkonen, T. Rautio, A. Ohinmaa, S. Koivurova, P. Ohtonen, H. Sintonen &
J. Mäkelä

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Multimedia Article
Assessment of the Versius surgical robotic system for dual-field
synchronous transanal total mesorectal excision (taTME) in a preclinical
model: will tomorrow’s surgical robots promise newfound options?

S. Atallah, E. Parra-Davila & A. G. F. Melani

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Technical Advances
Robotic-assisted repair of perineal hernia after extralevator
abdominoperineal resection

J. Maurissen, M. Schoneveld, E. Van Eetvelde & M. Allaeys

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Trick of the Trade
Laparoscopic surgical repair of refractory chylous ascites after laparoscopic
anterior resection

S. Y. Lee, S.-S. Yeom, C. H. Kim, Y. J. Kim & H. R. Kim

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Trick of the Trade
Use of a linear stapler for urethral and dorsal vein complex transection
during laparoscopic total pelvic exenteration in rectal cancer

A. Kondo, Y. Nishizawa, H. Tsunemori, H. Taketani, N. Yamamoto, H. Okazoe, T. Fujita,
M. Sugimoto & Y. Suzuki

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Trick of the Trade
The reverse leak test for the assessment of low coloanal anastomosis:
technical note

S. H. Emile & S. D. Wexner

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Trick of the Trade
Modified Turnbull–Cutait anastomosis with fasciocutaneous flap
reconstruction for radical excision of vulvar and anal intraepithelial neoplasia

A. C. Rogers, M. Brophy, T. A. Walsh, R. P. Hanson & A. E. Brannigan

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Trick of the Trade
Tailored anal block (TAB): a new anesthesia procedure for surgical
treatment of hemorrhoids in an outpatient setting

C. Elbetti, F. Caminati, I. Giani, F. Feroci, T. Zalla, M. Calussi, P. Dreoni & G. Talamo

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Video Forum
Transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS) for anterior rectal GIST

A. Spinelli, M. Carvello, M. Sacchi, C. Bonifacio, A. Bertuzzi, J. Tuynman, M. Montorsi &
C. Foppa

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Video Forum
Combined laparoscopic and cystoscopic surgery for colovesical fistula due
to colonic diverticulitis

K. Kawada, T. Kobayashi, T. Watanabe, S. Inamoto, T. Goto, R. Mizuno & Y. Sakai

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Video Forum
Ultrasound-guided identification of superior mesenteric vein in robotic
complete mesocolic excision for right colon cancer

P. Tejedor & J. S. Khan

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Correction to: Long-term results of stapled hemorrhoidectomy

Alessandro Sturiale & Gabriele Naldini

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Allied disorders of Hirschsprung’s disease

J. Qiu, G. Yang & A. Lin

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 Impact Factor: 2.378 (2017)
 Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters

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