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Anno 19, n. 298, 7 Aprile 2021  

New Issue Alert2 April 2021
Dear Reader,

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for
Techniques in Coloproctology. Volume 25, Issue 4 is now
available online.

In this issue

A systematic review of the quality of reporting of interventions in the surgical
treatment of Crohn's anal fistula: an assessment using the TIDiER and
Blencowe frameworks

S. Tyrell, E. Coates, Steven R. Brown, M. J. Lee
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Redo-laparoscopy in the management of complications after laparoscopic
colorectal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of surgical

P. Fransvea, G. Costa, L. D'Agostino, G. Sganga, A. Serao
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Simple fistula-in-ano: is it all simple? A systematic review
F. Litta, A. Parello, L. Ferri, N. O. Torrecilla, A. A. Marra, R. Orefice, V. Simone, P. Campenní,
M. Goglia, C. Ratto

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Original Article
The management of adult appendicitis during the COVID-19 pandemic: an interim analysis of a UK cohort study
H. Javanmard-Emamghissi, H. Boyd-Carson, M. Hollyman, B. Doleman, A. Adiamah, J. N.
Lund, R. Clifford, L. Dickerson, S. Richards, L. Pearce, J. Cornish, S. Hare, S. Lockwood, S. J.
Moug, G. M. Tierney

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Original Article
Long-term clinical outcomes of total mesorectal excision and selective lateral
pelvic lymph node dissection for advanced low rectal cancer: a comparative
study of a robotic versus laparoscopic approach

S. H. Song, G.-S. Choi, H. J. Kim, J. S. Park, S. Y. Park, S.-M. Lee, J. A. Choi, H. A. Seok
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Original Article
Indications and oncological outcomes of selective dissection for clinically
suspected lateral lymph node metastasis in patients with rectal cancer based
on pretreatment imaging

Xuyang Yang, Chaoyang Gu, Tao Hu, Mingtian Wei, Wenjian Meng, Ziqiang Wang, Xiangbing
Deng, Zongguang Zhou

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Original Article
Oncological outcomes and stoma-free survival following TaTME, a
prospective cohort study

S. Hallam, F. Ahmed, N. Gouvas, S. Pandey, D. Nicol
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Original Article
A prospective study of health related quality of life, bowel and sexual function
after TaTME and conventional laparoscopic TME for mid and low rectal

Y. Li, X. Bai, B. Niu, J. Zhou, H. Qiu, Y. Xiao, G. Lin
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Original Article
High-resolution anoscopy, is there a benefit in proceeding directly to the
operating room?

B. Moeckli, J. Canner, A. Najafian, S. Carbunaru, N. Cowell, C. Atallah, E. Paredes, A.
Chudnovets, S. H. Fang

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Technical Note
Robot-assisted surgery with Senhance robotic system for colon cancer: our
original single-incision plus 2-port procedure and a review of the literature

Yasumitsu Hirano, Hiroka Kondo, Shigeki Yamaguchi
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Video Forum
Colonic delta-shaped anastomosis using linear staplers in laparoscopic

J. Y. Tajima, S. Nagayama, Y. Hiyoshi, T. Mukai, T. Nagasaki, T. Yamaguchi, T. Akiyoshi, T.
Konishi, Y. Fukunaga

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Video Forum
Fascial space priority approach for the management of the lateral ligaments
in laparoscopic total mesorectal excision of the rectum

Y. Sun, Z. C. Zhang, Y. D. Zhou, P. Li, Q. S. Zeng, X. P. Zhang
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The Last Image
How to make operating anoscopes from large syringes
A. López Delgado, A. Péérez Ferrera, J. Ruiz-Tovar, R. Alvarez, E. Azcano, I. Hevia, A. Vega, J.
Rodrííguez, A. Tamargo, C. Idelfonso

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The nerve of blaming the curve
G. Orangio, L. Quintero, M. Gachabayov, A. Rojas, R. Bergamaschi
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Author's Reply
Author's reply to "The nerve of blaming the curve"
S. E. van Oostendorp, R. Hompes, J. B. Tuynman
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Big data papers and COVID-19: a "false friend" for academic surgeons
A. Picciariello, D. F. Altomare
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Congress Report
Mediterranean Society of Coloproctology Web Masterclass
X. Delgadillo
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Congress Report
SICCR web-educational colorectal meeting "Hemorrhoids and fissures":
Congress report

D. Passannanti, D. Telesco, F. La Torre, G. Milito, F. Gaj
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 Do you want to publish your article in this journal?

 Please visit the homepage of Techniques in Coloproctology for full details on:

  • aims and scope
  • editorial policy
  • article submission
 Check out the journal metrics to help you decide that this journal is right for your
 research. Impact Factor: 2.721 (2019)


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