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Anno 22, n. 334, 4 Giugno 2024  

New Issue Alert2 June 2024
Dear Reader,

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for
Techniques in Coloproctology. Volume 28, Issue 1 is now
available online.

In this issue

Original Article
Two-step versus three-step proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis: a
comparative study on nutritional status, immunosuppressive therapy, and
long-term outcome

M. Kelm, A. Widder, C. Zwack, K. Schöttker, J. Reibetanz, A. Meining, C.-T. Germer, S.

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Brief Report
Multimode ultrasound imaging of an anal canal gastrointestinal stromal
tumour (GIST)

F. Yang, F. Liu, L. Wen
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Original Article
Complications associated with loop ileostomy: analysis of risk factors
Yoshiko Matsumoto, Naoya Aisu, Ryuji Kajitani, Hideki Nagano, Gumpei Yoshimatsu, Suguru

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Original Article
Validation of a 3D-printed model of cryptoglandular perianal fistulas
C. Verkade, L. Brouwers, J. Stijns, V. van Dal, D. K. Wasowicz, M. de Kiefte, F. van Tilborg, D. D. E.

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Original Article
The implementation of an inflammatory bowel disease-specific enhanced
recovery after surgery protocol: an observational cohort study

V. Lin, J. K. Poulsen, A. F. Juvik, O. Roikjær, I. Gögenur, T. Fransgaard
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Cutting seton is an inferior version of fistulotomy and is associated with
increased morbidity in the management of anal fistulas

P. Garg, P. K. Garg, G. S. Sodhi
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Original Article
When is neoadjuvant chemotherapy indicated in rectal neuroendocrine
tumors? An analysis of the National Cancer Database

R. Gefen, S. H. Emile, N. Horesh, Z. Garoufalia, M. R. Freund, S. D. Wexner
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Original Article
The economic impact of anastomotic leakage after colorectal surgery: a
systematic review

David J. Nijssen, Kiedo Wienholts, Maarten J. Postma, Jurriaan Tuynman, Willem A.
Bemelman, Wytze Laméris, Roel Hompes

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