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Anno 22, n. 338, 27 Agosto 2024  

New Issue Alert25 August 2024
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We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for Techniques in Coloproctology. Volume 28, Issue 1 is now available online.

New articles in this volume

Original Article
Lymph node ratio prognosticates overall survival in patients with stage IV
colorectal cancer

K. Naidu, P. H. Chapuis, L. Connell, C. Chan, M. J. F. X. Rickard, K-S. Ng
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Original Article
Robotic left colectomy and intracorporeal overlap anastomosis for
descending-sigmoid cancer with da Vinci Xi® robotic platform-a video

Kun Xu, Haode Shen, Yue Tian, Weidong Tong, Fan Li
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Original Article
Ileal pouch-anal anastomosis and end ileostomy result in equivalent graft
survival following liver transplantation for inflammatory bowel disease-primary
sclerosing cholangitis

L. Schabl, S. D. Holubar, M. Maspero, S. R. Steele, T. Hull
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Original Article
Assessing robotic-assisted surgery versus open approach in penetrating
Crohn's disease: advantages and outcomes in ileocolic resection

T. Violante, D. Ferrari, A. Sileo, R. Sassun, J. C. Ng, K. L. Mathis, N. P. McKenna, K. K.
Rumer, D. W. Larson

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Multimedia Article
Proposal for standardization of laparoscopic D3 lymphadenectomy for right
colon cancer

Á. Garcia-Granero, A. Gil-Catalán, S. Jerí-McFarlane, J. Sancho-Muriel, G. Pellino, M.
Gamundí-Cuesta, E. Garcia-Granero, F. X. Gonzalez-Argenté

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Short-term outcomes of the "minimal skin incision and no stoma" procedure in
needlescopic intersphincteric resection and delayed coloanal anastomosis for
low rectal cancer

T. Mukai, S. Matsui, T. Sakurai, T. Yamaguchi, T. Akiyoshi, Y. Fukunaga
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The impact of plasma-rich platelet injection to perianal sphincters on
incontinence and quality of life in patients with rectal cancer after low anterior
or intersphincteric resection: a prospective cohort study

M. Haksal, M. S. Akın, E. Karagoz, M. Kocak, E. Korkut, R. Shahhosseini, I. Gögenur, M. Oncel
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Vaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (vNOTES) right
hemicolectomy with intracorporeal anastomosis for cecal cancer

Isaac Seow-En, Maureen Elvira Villanueva, Aaron Wei Ming Seah, Emile John Kwong Wei Tan,
Joella Xiaohong Ang

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A nomogram for predicting the overall survival in rectal cancer patients after
total neoadjuvant therapy

Z. Liu, M. He, X. Wang
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Robotic approach for locally advanced rectal cancer: stepwise demonstration
of operative strategy

A. Toffaha, M. Yousif, M. Khawar, M. Al-Dhaheri, A. Ahmed, M. Kurer, N. Al Naimi, M.
Abunada, A. Parvaiz

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Original Article
Transanal circumferential pouch advancement for treatment of pouch vaginal

M. Obi, M. Klingler, I. Sapci, O. Lavryk, J. Lipman, S. R. Steele, T. Hull, S. D. Holubar
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Original Article
Adolescent pilonidal disease laser treatment (a-PiLaT): a pilot study
A. Romanova, M. Nissen, M. Alrefai, J. Hubertus, T. Deska, M. Senkal
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Video Forum
Seamless solely medially approached robotic right hemicolectomy utilizing
the double bipolar method excluding patient repositioning and instrument

S. Inamoto, A. Nomura, T. Okada, S. Kanaya, Y. Sakai
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Original Article
Feasibility and outcomes of robotic sphincter-preserving surgery for rectal
cancer after neoadjuvant treatment in patients with preexisting colostomy

H. Nozawa, A. Sakamoto, K. Murono, K. Sasaki, S. Emoto, S. Ishihara
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Brief Report
Transabdominal levatorplasty technique in laparoscopic mesh rectopexy for
rectal prolapse

K. Kamihata, A. Nomura, T. Okada, S. Inamoto, K. Nishida, R. Katsura, S. Kanaya, Y. Sakai
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Original Article
Short-term and long-term outcomes of laparoscopic surgery for locally
recurrent rectal cancer: a propensity score-matched cohort study

Jinzhu Zhang, Fei Huang, Ruilong Niu, Shiwen Mei, Jichuan Quan, Gang Hu, Bo Li, Meng
Zhuang, Wei Guo, Xishan Wang, Jianqiang Tang

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Oral sulfate solution versus polyethylene glycol for bowel preparation before
colonoscopy, meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis of randomized
clinical trials

X. Liu, W. Yu, J. Liu, Q. Liu
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Original Article
Quality of life with diverticular disease: translation and validation of the
German version of the diverticulitis quality of life questionnaire (DV-QOL)

K. V. Barzi, R. Galli, K. Denhaerynck, R. Rosenberg, M. von Strauss und Torney
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Original Article
Efficacy and safety of RD2 Ver.02, a whole blood clot therapy, coupled with a
minimally invasive procedure in pilonidal sinus: a phase II study

E. Ram, Y. Zager, D. Carter, R. Anteby, J. Haik, I. Nachmany, N. Horesh
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The use of indocyanine green for lateral lymph node dissection in rectal
cancer: a novel fancy tool in the armamentarium with questionable benefits

T. Konishi
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