Nanorò: Meditations on a journey
Antonio Amato
“Look at yourself, your appearance includes and confirms what your soul is” These verses taken from Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, come back to my mind while I admire with the critical eye of a European, the multicoloured microcosm that fills the streets, surgeries and wards of Nanorò’s medical centre, every day. The irreducible uniqueness of man, a indissoluble blend of both body and soul which is asserted by the poet in a courageous antithesis with Descartes and his prevailing philosophy at that time, is proved right in this remote part of Africa. The natural elegance of demeanour, the beauty of traits, the harmony of the gestures combines with the meekness, dignity and the cordiality of the people of the land of the “honest man”. And so at the market, or along the unsurfaced paths or in villages of bricks of clay dried in the sun, one is greeted by the same dust of laterite, and the same sincere smiles which make it difficult to say which of these memories remains deepest...
In the section "Patients - General Informations" can be found The New classification of Haemorrhoids edited by Fabio Gaj.
The test for admission to the SICCR’s school of proctology took place on the 15th January in Florence. The committee was made up of Filippo Pucciani (director), Guido Tegon (councillor) and Nicola Tricomi (secretary).
The committee in evaluating the three newly elected candidates: Vincenzo Cuccia, Andrea legnaro, and Luca Pilzato, took into account both the results of the test and their title of study.
Click here to see all the information regarding the school and its didactic programme.
- Update of Endoanal Ultrasound