The editorial staff of SICCR would like to congratulate the new President Prof. Giovanni Romano and wishes the new Directive Council all the best for its activities.

An assembly was held on the 16th September to elect the new SICCR Directive Council for the two- year period 2005-2007.
The electoral committee made up of Moranti Ivreo, Bottini Corrado, Mancini Stefano, Mungo Massimiliano and Scardigno Donato Maria, communicated the following results to the general assembly of members which approved:

Altomare Donato Francesco 150
Romano Giovanni 130
Trompetto Mario 118
La Torre Filippo 113
Casula Giuseppe 109
Pucciani Filippo 106
Selvaggi Francesco 103
De Nardi Paola 91
Poggioli Gilberto 77
Pucciarelli Salvatore 74
Asteria Corrado 52
Nicastro Attilio 35
Ravo Biagio 26
Infantino Aldo 6
Segre Diego 5
Binda GianAndrea 4
Pescatori Mario 3
Delaini Gian Gaetano 2
Ratto Carlo 2
Stortini Ezio 2
Corno Franco 1
Dal Corso Herbert Maria 1
La Manna Salvatore 1
Masin Alessandra 1
Mistrangelo Massimiliano 1
Scardigno Donato Maria 1
Tricomi Nicola 1

The newly elected Directive Council met to approve the society’s posts for the following the two- year period:

President: Giovanni Romano
Vice- president: Filippo La Torre

President elected for the following year: Donato F. Altomare
Vice president: Filippo Pucciani

General secretary: Carlo Ratto
Treasurer: Antonio Amato
Auditors: Ivreo moranti, Massimiliano Munto; deputy: Donato Maria Scardigno

The following councillors also make part of the new Directive Council:
Mario Trompetto
Giuseppe Casula
Francesco Selvaggi
Paola De Nardi
Gilberto Poggioli
Salvatore Pucciarelli

The assembly gives unanimous approval.

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The Expert Replies
Lettere al presidente

Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.

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