Renewal Subscription to Diseases of the Colon and Rectum

We would like to remind our members to renew their subscription to Diseases of the Colon and Rectum at the special price of 110 euro (the normal price of the subscription is about 370 euro). This includes both the paperback magazine and the access online.
We invite those who are interested in this initiative to give their adherence at the following address:

Payment may be made through:
-Bank transfer, made out to Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery on the giro account 240905 (ABI 06375- CAB 66750- CIN B) at the Cassa di risparmio di Mirandola, Filiale di Finale Emilia. Indicate in the description, subscription DC & R;
-Bank draft or check non-negotiable, made out to Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery, sent to Dr. Marina Fiorino, Via Val Maggia, 146 00141 Rome.

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The Expert Replies
Lettere al presidente

Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.

Informazione pubblicitaria