Report 1st Region of Sardinia SICCR Congress

“Difficult decisions in colorectal surgery”

When problems are analysed in great depth, the number of criticalities found in facing the diagnosis and treatment of the single cases is greater, it’s such criticalities that the experts then have to debate.
These prerequisites, paved the way for Giuseppe Casula, responsible for the UCP of Cagliari and Francesco Scintu, representative of SICCR in Sardinia, who outlined the programme of the first regional conference held in Cagliari on 23rd June entitled “Difficult decisions in colorectal surgery: what to do in case of …? The pattern followed foresaw the brief presentation of an illustrative clinical situation, the following account of an expert and in the end a general discussion. The brief introductions, which lasted two minutes each, were left to young surgeons of the school of specialisation in surgery of the digestive apparatus of the University of Cagliari, which were able to participate actively in the positive outcome of the event.
After the opening greetings on behalf of the rector of the University of Cagliari, the head of the faculty and the president of SICCR, the activities carried out in the morning session regarded matters related to non- tumoral pathology. The session chaired by Romano, Trignano and Pescatori, dealt with the problems connected to the treatment of chronic anal fissures, haemorrhoids at an intermediate stage, sequela of surgery with stapling, syntomatic defecatory dyssynergy, major faecal incontinence, rectal prolapse, perineal pathology in Crohn’s disease. The interest for case histories and the experience of the moderators invited (Pucciani, Giordano, Pescatori, Trompetto and Santoro) absorbed the audience and led to a fruitful discussion.
The afternoon session chaired by Dettori, Casula and Trompetto dealt with tumoral pathology. Loriga discussed the problems, which arise from the histological diagnosis of infiltrating carcinoma Of the submucosa after endoscopy of polypectomy, Infantino discussed the choice of therapy after complete response to neoadjuvant therapies and those relative to patients with metastatic pathology sincrona and Badessi on the palliation of cancer of the colon. The experience carried out by the UCP group of Cagliari has been presented in four accounts on problems of particular relevance in everyday clinical practice: Zorcolo spoke of the current trends regarding left colic resection in urgency, Marongiu of the difficulties in the determination of the grade of spreading of neoplasias of the rectum at the initial stage, D’Alia spoke of the advantages and limits of TEM in the local exeresis of tumours of the rectum and Scintu of the possible behaviours in the case when a neoplastic stenosis does not permit a complete endoscopy. This last session too, obtained enormous scientific success and public approval. Enrolment to the congress, which offered its participants three formative credits, was free of charge. The objective was to spread SICCR’s goals and to facilitate the enrolment of new members.

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Renato Pietroletti
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Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
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