ESCP Council Meeting in Amsterdam 13th May 2007

The first issues debated was the renewal of the contract with Integrity the service agency of the ESCP. After having considered the work made so far and the cost for the society the executive board decided to extend the contract for the next 3 years with a possible re-negotiation for the next 2. However the administrative place of the society will be moved from England to Austria (Vienna)as requested by many eastern members.
The next ESCP meeting in Malta was then discussed from a financial point of view. Although the expenses are not jet covered by the sponsors, Mike Parker is confident to be able to fix the problem soon. Remarkably the Ethicon company refused to sponsor the meeting, even if a video presentation of the STARR technique was introduced in the program with this purpose.
J Nicholls and Andrew Shorthouse have discussed the main topics for the next ESCP meeting in Nantes 2008. The scientific committee (Giovanni Romano is included) will make a first assignment of the topic during the meeting in Malta and then for them final program in February in another meeting.
A fair agreement among the executive board has been reached for Napoli as a possible place for the ESCP meeting in Sept 2010. A definitive decision will be taken after a visit of Lindsey Whitehouse to the Stazione Marittima of Napoli. Possible other places Salizburg in Austria.
After a short discussion the executive meeting have decided for Giovanni Romano as ESCP President Elect for the 2009-2010 and as Chairman of the Scientific Committee Emanuel Tiret or Johan Pfeiffer in substitution of J Nicholls.
The last point was the administration of the web site because Terry Irwin is no more available and there are no candidates at the moment. The name of Infantino was proposed but he is now too much involved with our society.

Donato F Altomare
ESCP National Rappresentative for Italy

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Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
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