2° Educational Meeting SICCR

The SICCR second Educational meeting took place in Rome on the 15th and 16th of September. The objective of this event, required and organized by the Directive Council, in turns with the society’s Biennial congress, was the development of topics of great interest to all its members in order to improve and increase recognition of the society and also to offer its younger members the opportunity to compare their viewpoints with opinion leaders within an international congress.
The formula of the meeting, organised for Podium presentations chosen amongst abstracts handed in by all its members, foresaw a great deal of time spent in discussion (60%). The complications regarding the single topic of discussion, led to a sometimes, lively debate. In addition, some lectures and face- to- face discussions were held by national and international experts.
From our point of view the organisation resulted satisfactory. We are particularly grateful to Selene Company and to the essential collaboration of Marina Fiorino thanks to whom, we managed to cover our budget, regardless to say, with great difficulty. More than 150 participants were expected to take part in it. We also expected to receive a greater number of abstracts as it was also possible to present individual clinical cases. But our expectations were not reached maybe owing to an adjustment phase.
Differently, The workshops for doctors were attended by a limited number of participants, but those dedicated to nurses were attended by a satisfactory number, the reason being the choice of a single theme or maybe the organisation prior to the congress itself.
According to us, workshops should have an important educational objective on a topic of great impact and that was the society’s main objective in organising it. We will suggest that the Directive council promote a discussion since we consider the Educational meeting as heritage to all its members and to our advice, should be developed and spread in order to obtain a greater participation. The choice of a single topic of discussion, by means of an on site referendum, by its members, was considered appropriate, furthermore, it was considered appropriate to leave the task of updating our main specific and scientific topics to the Biennial congress. However, we would like to take the opportunity to thank all people who took part in the event and invite them to the Biennial meeting, which will be held in Catania in 2009 and the next Educational meeting in 2010.

F. La Torre
G. Milito

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The Expert Replies
Lettere al presidente

Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.


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