Post-graduate course in methodology of research in Surgery, Rome 10th – 12th November

After the successful outcome of the first edition, a second course in methodology of research in surgery, sponsored by the SICCR and the SICCR science centre, in the field of its own educational activities, took place in Rome from the 10th – 12th November. Organized to be more practical than theoretical, its primary aim was to enable participants to read and understand, from a critical point of view, publications, and to set up scientific research, to draw up a paper, to know how to present a study in speaking and to present posters of works at scientific congresses. The 21 young post graduate doctors, from all parts of the country, who took part, showed enthusiasm and profit in their participation.
However the more experienced colleagues who had already taken part in the planning of the course and in its conduction, evaluation and publication of research, were aware that an improvement of knowledge , of the standards of methodology, of ethical integrity of clinical research were necessary in order to increase its social significance.
During the course various stages of clinical research were examined concretely with particular emphasis on the principle problems regarding methodology and medical statistics, the latter is notoriously an unpleasant task for both doctors and biologists.
The director of the course, professor Donato Altomare, Dr Carlo Ratto and professor Giusepppe la Torre of the University “Cattolica“ of Rome introduced some basic concepts of medical statistics which were further developed by Dr Liana Spazzafumo. Professor Rinaldo Marzaioli was responsible for guiding the participants in the handling of useful software in research and finally the organizational secretariat of professor Aldo Infantino and Dr. Marina Fiorino.

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