Election of the Executive Board 2009-2011

From 5th to 7th October 2009, during the third National Congress of SICCR, that will be held in Catania at the Grand Hotel Baia Verde, there will be the election of the Executive Board of SICCR for the years 2009-2011.

All those who wish to propose their candidature can send their CV with an accompanying letter of presentation to illustrate their plans to presidenza@siccr.org within 5th September 2009.
The received candidatures will be published on the official SICCR website.

We wish to remind you that according to art 7 of the SICCR statute: Only Founding Members and Ordinary Members (with at least two years of membership) can access the society’s board. Members of the Executive Board and Members of the Executive Board of other National Scientific Societies cannot be elected. The Members of the Executive Board that are elected in other Executive Boards of National Scientific Societies lose their entitlements . For the society’s board no economic compensation is awarded.

We also wish to highlight that according to art 6 of the Statute…a member can be excluded for defaulting his/her payments…defaulting his/her payments is the non payment of the subscription for two successive years…and the participation to the congress is free only for those members who have paid their entrance fee.

The fee is €75 for doctors under 35 and €100 for doctors over 35.

The fee can be paid either by:
Bank transfer registered to Società Italiana di Chirurgia Colo-rettale on the account number 2409 (ABI 06160 – CAB 66750 IBAN IT46 P061 6066 7500 0000 2409 C00) at Banca CR Firenze Divisione CR Mirandola, Branch of Finale Emilia – indicate reason-
Banker’s draft or personal cheque, non transferable, registered to Società Italiana di Chirurgia Colo-Rettale, sent to Dr Marina Fiorino, Via Conca d’Oro, 289 Scala B, 00141 Rome

For any information please contact Dr Marina Fiorino
Mobile 338 281 3863
Email: marinafiorino@libero.itpresidenza@siccr.org

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The Expert Replies
Corrado Bottini
Lettere al presidente

Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.


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