“Nanorò – The Meeting”

Dear Colleagues, Dear friends of the Developing Countries Committee,
I wish to report on the event which took place on the 20th of May, 2010 at the Policlinico “Umberto I” of Rome, under the auspices of SICCR, Policlinico “Umberto I”, and University of Rome “Sapienza”, and with the patronage of the Lazio Region, and the Rome Provincial Council and Municipality.
The aim of this initiative, which was advertised under the name of “Nanorò – The Meeting”, was to officialise with the above institutions our medical care activities in Nanorò. Furthermore, as it had been agreed with Fr. Henry and Fr. Sorghò, director of CMA (Centre Medicale Advancè) , and as I had informed Gino Capponi during my last mission in Nanorò, in March 2010, the aim of the initiative was, also, to select an institution in charge of an official, minimal formal relationship between us co-operators and the CMA. With the term “minimal” I mean, for instance, the possibility that volunteers may travel to Nanorò on fully recognized leave of absence, without the need to give up their own holidays, and with an adequate insurance to cover their stay.
I recall telling you that, as a consequence of Fr. Henry’s and Fr. Sorghò’s requests of planning stays of not less than four weeks, the above issue had become somewhat a priority.
Alongside with the meeting, a photographic exhibition took place, for which I was personally in charge, and that was possible thanks to resources made available by the Policlinico “Umberto I”. The aim of the exhibition was to take advantage of some influence that my name, as photographer of African reportages, has gained. Let me say that this objective was fully achieved, as a large number of people did attend this secondary event, organized in the hall of the General Direction of the Policlinico. The exhibition is still in progresss, and there have been many requests to purchase photographs. The proceeds will be donated to the CMA in Nanorò, therefore I wish to thank the Policlinico for its support. This exhibition does not rule out the original idea of organising an on-the-road exhibition, which I would fully support, and so would the Policlinico, which has been looking after printing, preparation and mounting of the exhibition itself.
The role of SICCR as promoter of the Nanorò initiatives was stressed during the meeting by Prof. Filippo La Torre, by myself, and by Prof. Claudio Modini, director of the Emergency Department (to which both of us belong). There has only been one minor “conflictual” aspect, consisting of a press release that did not mention SICCR. This was due to an independent initiative on behalf of my personal artistic admirers, and was beyond both Prof. La Torre’s and my control. After all, the short article of the “Corriere della Sera” would have been not so important if it had been diluted, as it should have been, by additional press releases issued by the press office of the Policlinico, of the University “Sapienza”, and of SICCR, which never happened. Ms. Paola Siani, president of charity “La Goccia”, who has been active in Burkina and is responsible for our first contacts with CMA of Nanorò, participated to the meeting with great enthusiasm and with a very constructive attitude.
An enthusiastic commitment of the Director General of the Policlinico Dr. Ubaldo Montaguti stemmed from this meeting, and, also, a constructive attitude from a technical and procedural point of view. Therefore we can say that, as far as the leave of absence and the insurance issues are concerned, the convention can be considered as achieved, and only some details have yet to be defined. It is important to underline that it was clearly stated to both Dr. Montaguti and to the representative of the Provost (who was not present, due to last minute government commitments) that it was necessary to expand the benefits of the convention to all SICCR members who are involved in missions to Nanorò, and in order to achieve this, Prof. La Torre and I have been asked to write an official letter on behalf of the Provost of the University “Sapienza” and of the General Director of the Policlinico “Umberto I”, in accordance with the SICCR president and the Medical Director of Nanorò, suggesting to all the employers of the volunteers to grant a “paid leave” valid for the entire duration of the mission, thus covering both the pension and insurance aspects.
Ms. Paola Siani has already informed the management of Nanorò of the meeting, and of its success. It seems that this news has been welcomed with great favour, which witnesses the consolidated link between the members of SICCR and CMA. At the same time, we receive the news from Nanorò of Fr. James’ total commitment to Surgery, and the suggestion to apply directly to him for any decisions and organization matters.
As a final corollary to what can be described as a very positive initiative on behalf of SICCR, Prof. La Torre’s unlimited hospitals connections, offer us the extraordinary promotional opportunity of direct engagement on this issue of Vauro Senesi –he in person-, the “cheeky terror” of the TV program “Anno Zero”, who is full engaged in Afghanistan with “Emergency”, but who is also willing to give us an hand with Burkina Faso.

I would like to conclude with the information that enrolment for departures is already under way.

Kind regards
Enrico Orsi.

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Lettere al presidente

Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.


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