Report on the Workshop “New Technologies in Colorectal Surgery”” – Florence, 18th June 2010

Dear Colleagues and friends
On the 18th June a workshop called “New Technologies in Colorectal Surgery” was held in Florence.

Numerous were the participants in this event; surgeons from the region of Tuscany and not only, even some of the most important experts in this field took part and contributed to creating the right atmosphere for a lively and fruitful scientific debate. The day began with a round table in which Dr Mario Cecchi was involved (as representative of the regional government). The issues discussed during the round table regarded the usability and reasonable use of new technologies. This confrontation resulted important to lay the foundations for a future collaboration with the regional government of Tuscany in which our association would acquire scientific importance.
During the morning session and then later in the afternoon, various topics were discussed such as the employment of robotics in the field of Colorectal surgery (Dr Fabio Sbrana, new SICCR member) and also new technologies in the treatment of pathologies such as haemorrhoids, perineal fistulas, and in the syndrome of obstructed defecation.
Particular attention was given to the theme of didactics and the role of new technologies during the formation of not only young surgeons and post-graduate doctors but of course of all doctors who face the problem of treating these pathologies for the first time.
This event also represented an important occasion to collaborate with other associations that deal with these pathologies in different ways, and that found this event as the perfect fertile ground for future collaboration.
During next year’s event we will try to implement these collaborations by trying to involve a greater number of colleagues who wish to have a debate with our association.
Other goals will include the divulgation of knowledge in the field of colorectal surgery to general practitioners and to post-graduate doctors in order to create events for both, with a precise objective.

I would like to thank The SICCR; The SELENE; and our president for the constant support and help given.
Kind regards

Iacopo Giani
Delegate region of Tuscany – SICCR

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Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
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