Report on the Courses for Doctors of General Medicine – Molfetta, 6 November 2010

The 6th November 2010 a theoretical and practical course in coloproctology organised by the SICCR was held in Molfetta (Bari).

Keeping pace with the developments in the field of medical studies such as in coloproctology for general practitioners has always been the primary concern of the SICCR and has gained great acknowledgement in this field.
The courses which are organised for small groups, with practical activities carried out in doctors’ surgery outpatient clinic, offer general practitioners the knowledge and essential measures that allow them to fully understand which cases can be treated in their surgery and which should be handed over to a specialist in coloproctology in order to carry out further diagnostic exams or treatment.

The course in Molfetta, which was assigned 8 CME credits, was coordinated by Dr Donato Scardigno treasurer of the SICCR and coordinator of Coloproctology Unit of Molfetta, with the sponsorship of the municipality of Molfetta a city that belongs to the Italian network of Healthy Cities.

The topics were: screening of colorectal cancer (Dr. Maria Di Lena, of the Coloproctology Unit of Bari, involved in an important programme of screening in the region of Abruzzo); Constipation (Prof. Donato F. Altomare, past president of the SICCR and coordinator of the Coloproctology Unit of Bari); anal condylomata and Irritable bowel syndrome (Dr Donato Scardigno).

Twenty general practioners from different cities such as Molfetta, Trani, Bisceglie, Ruvo di Puglia and Giovinazzo, took part in the course which was held in the “Beniamino Finocchiaro” conference hall of the wonderful “Fabbrica di San Domenico”, offered to the SICCR by the municipality of Molfetta. Participants showed a great interest. It was the first CME course on Coloproctology held in this area. There were many important contributions to the discussion. The participants will take part, in the practical part of the course, divided into small groups in the various outpatient clinics of UCP in Bari.

The coordinator of the course
Dr. Donato Scardigno

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Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
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