Polish Journal of Surger

Dear All,
It’s a pleasure to publish the invitation by Adam Dziki, President of Polish Surgeon Society, and past-President of ESCP.

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to inform you that Polish Journal of Surgery (PJS) has been selected to be indexed and included in Medline. Citations from the articles indexed, the indexing terms, and the English abstracts printed in the Journal are included and searchable using PubMed.
PJS is a peer-reviewed journal designed for the general surgeon who performs abdominal, vascular, head and neck, breast, colorectal, and other forms of surgery. PJS is a forum for publishing original research in any discipline relating to general surgery.
Our journal offers access to the free full-texts of all published manuscripts and there is no process or publication fee required.

All you can find it on our official website: http://versita.com/pjs/

Finally, we would like to invite you to scientific partnership and if you have any interesting research or papers to submit we are open to cooperation with you to publish it in our journal.

Best regards,
Adam Dziki MD PhD FACS (Hon) FRCS (Hon)
Chief Editor
Polish Journal of Surgery

Michal Mik MD PhD
Managing Editor
Polish Journal of Surgery
++48 535787898

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The Expert Replies
Lettere al presidente

Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.


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