I am most grateful for all the kindness and generosity extended to me by the SICCR during its ten years existence. The professional association and friendships that have resulted have been greatly treasured.
Many Italian surgeons have visited St Mark’s Hospital over the years, usually at some time during their years of training. From my appointment in 1978 to last year several hundreds have done so. It has been a privilege to have got to know many of them, some of whom spent time there as research fellows.
Over the last thirty years Italian coloproctology has made many contributions to knowledge of the nature and treatment of diseases of the anus, rectum and colon. The inventiveness and originality of Italy and its people go back many centuries and this tradition is still very much alive.
I have hugely enjoyed my association with the Colorectal Eporediensis Centre which I was invited to join in 2006 immediately after I retired from St Mark’s Hospital. The courses have been great fun. They have allowed me to remain up-to-date with the specialty and have also enabled me to continue to meet young Italian surgeons in considerable numbers.
I would like to thank Mario Trompetto, your most recent Past President and friend, for proposing and then organising the meeting in Turin on the 16th January this year. I was very moved by the large number of participants, who had taken the trouble to come. It is something that I will always remember.
With many thanks for everything
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Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.