TaTME – Trans-anal Total Mesorectal Excision – 2018

TaTME – Trans-anal Total Mesorectal Excision – A masterclass with cadaveric simulation

Course Director: Prof. Antonino Spinelli
Honorary President: Prof. Marco Montorsi
Local scientif secretariat: P. Campennì, F. Cantore, M. Carvello, G. David, M. Sacchi

Course Objectives
Our workshop is aimed at colorectal surgeons experienced in laparoscopic and/or robotic
rectal surgery, and ideally also experienced with transanal surgery, especially TEM and
TAMIS. This 2-day course will focus on the rationale for TaTME and appropriate patient
selection. It will cover all practical aspects required to set up a safe and effective service. Indepth
didactic lectures, explanatory videos and hands-on on training in human cadavers will
be provided by expert national and international faculty.
We aim to run the course for 8 delegates, and would strongly encourage surgeons to sign up
in teams for the course. We will also run a series of lectures specifically for the theatre staff
and they will also be able to join in for the practical sessions.

Main Objectives
Understand rationale for TaTME & appropriate patient selection
understand key steps, anatomic landmarks for TaTME and potential pitfalls
enable set-up of a safe and effective TaTME program

2018 Courses
March 22/23 , 2018
September 13/14, 2018
November 8/9, 2018


Pieve Emanuele
13/09/2018 - 14/09/2018

Humanitas Research Hospital – LUZZATTO SIMULATION CENTER
Via Rita Levi Montalcini, 4, 20090 Pieve Emanuele MI

Organizative secretariat

Organizing secretariat
Materia Prima srl – segreteria@materia1a.it – +39 0363 1848776

Event type
Sponsorship SICCR
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The Expert Replies
Lettere al presidente

Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi
Rubrica diretta a quanti volessero porre dei quesiti al Presidente SICCR, Dott.ssa Paola De Nardi.


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